: I have downloaded the nas121 update , but I don't know how to go
: about doing the update to my present version( I tried to execute it ,
: but it completely screwed up my original working 1.1 version ( I had to
: do a complete delete and reinstall the original
: Also, how do you do a pit stop...I get to 0 mph but nothing happens(
: not any help in the manual)I cant locate a Brake key like it says on
: the PAPYRUS Home Page
: Any help is GREATLY Appreciated,
You know, there is an info file at the Papyrus ftp site. It tells you update
Nascar. What you do is extract the files in a temp dir then erase the orig
exe file, then move the remaining ones to your nascar directory and run install or whatever it is.
Depends when you are pitting. Works for me.
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\ =(___)= |_\_\ _|__|_\_ |_\/_|_\\__| =(___)= /
\ http://www2.hawaii.edu/usr-cgi/ssis/~johnnyl /