> > Same reason why Winston is having/had to pull out a drag racing. They
> > not sponsor two series so they sure were not going to drop Nascar. It
> > even tougher in Canada where Players has to get out all together
> > they are looking at creative ways of getting around that.
> > If you noticed when Penske was in CART and went to race in Indy, they
had to
> > take Marlboro off of everything including the uniforms.
> And who's fault is this ?
> Bet you were a beta tester for this law
> Beers and cheers
> (uncle) Goy
after another year or two the lieing rat bastards will have to cease all
sporting event advertising...so teams like Penske that swapped their entire
operation over to the IRL to follow the cancer-cash will be out of $$
For a very cursory view of the story behind the Settlement, see Russel
Crowe's movie: The Insider, with Al Pacino and Christopher Plummer.
Mikey Andretti took the CART Team Kool Green to Indy(IRL) for next
year and Kool just announced they are getting out of Racing advertising
completely. Who's gonna foot Mikey's bills now?? Gotta buy new tubs, new
engines, new drivers...Cool!
dave henrie