Now that I've done some Laps at Chicagoland I have to say...
Loose? Are you running the FAST setup?
The thing is good for about 3 laps before it starts pushing like a
If you are loose going in, you are either letting up off the gas way too
much, or you are *** the brakes. Otherwise, getting loose going in is
pretty hard to do and all but impossible coming out unless you are wagging
your tail.
Tim would absolutely HATE the tire wear :)
I've gotten down into the 29.7's, but the tires go away so fast that I can't
get better than that right now, and trying to run a race that fast will send
you to the back in no time.
I see a lot of mangled right-front fenders in this one :)
> > I know it's only Tuesday, but I just did 20 quick laps at Chicagoland
> I
> > hate the setup. Feels evil loose, especially early on. Futzed with the
> > linerity to get the car off of its tippytoes and ran a best lap so far
> > 30.195 and I feel confident I can run laps below 30...which, of course,
> will be
> > beaten like a big bass drum by just about everyone. :)) Even with laps
> on the
> > car, I had to feather the throttle all the way from start to finish of
> > turns. oh well...I guess I will just have to
> > practice...practice....practice....
> > Michael
> I just joined RASCAR, and was trying some practice at Chicagoland. I also
> noticed the fast setup being very loose. Looks like a bad track for me to
> make my debut. I'll just hang around the back and try to make some laps.
> bluestringer