I am a bit of a newby here, but have a problem that I can't quite resolve.
On my Pentium 120, 16 Meg RAM, 8 speed CD-ROM and 2 Meg Trident video card,
when I use the "estimated frame rate" of 17.0 fps I have found that I am
racing at "better" than real time, that is, say, 25 seconds on the lap time
is only really about 23 seconds on my stop watch. This is on the second
highest detail setting in SVGA. Needless to say, the last thing I need is
to be racing at better than real time.
Can anybody help me to figure out how to set it up so that I get real time
racing, ie. 30 seconds on the lap timer is 30 seconds on my stop watch?
Is it just a matter of fiddling with the frame rate and the detail settings
until I get it right, and if so, will the setting that works properly at,
say, Adelaide, be right for the other tracks as well?
Thanks in advance
Kym Fischer
Manager Planning and Development
Human Resources Branch, Department for Employment, Training and Further
Education (South Australia)