Not only does the "lens compression" tend to shorten up the perspective, but
from the position I took the really don't see much of the
track down in the main infield area. Also, this photo shows very well how
SMI has transformed the track into something of a "road course within a
stadium." Five years ago, you would not have been able to even see across
the track to the esses....from where I took this photo last night. There
were hills in-between.....those were all bulldozed down! From just about
any fan seating area, you can now follow a car about 98% around the
track.....almost perfect open line-of-site. There's no place like that any
where else in the world, that I know can't even do that on most
I will also tell you guys......this place has now been labeled by the "F1 friendly".....I'm serious. Watch out Indy! Not only is our
weather substantially better in August than Indianapolis, but our
"surrounding attractions" (primarily the Sonoma Wine Country) appeal much
more to those big-bucks F1 people....and the fans that follow them around
the world. San Francisco, is much more of a cosmopolitan city.....than is
Indianapolis, as well. These things play a bigger role than you might
imagine....and the F1 race at Indy is getting somewhat "tired"......if you
know what I mean. Its also possible that a second USA F1 race might be
added to the schedule.....positioning it in conjunction with either the
Montreal or Indy improve the cash flow of making a two-race
trip to the US continent...instead of two "1-race trips." SMI is very keen
on making something like this happen.....and they have the bucks to pull it
PS: Shortly after the WC race, the entire track surface is being completely
ground up....and repaved. It couldn't be done before the race, because
there was not enough time to do it......temperature wise, and considering
the other construction still underway.....before the race. That will mean
all new FIA curbing.......and a slick new high-tech macadam compound that
has been tested and approved, by the FIA (but only exist at one other this time).
> > Hi Guys.....
> > I took this picture last night about 6:30 PM, from atop the hills
> > overlooking Infineon Raceway. Its from an angle not normally
> > seen......thought you guys might like to see what the track looks like
> > "full-dress" for the NASCAR boys!
> >
> > Its a wide you will need to put your mouse on the
> photo....then
> > enlarge it when the "enlarge bug" appears.
> > Enjoy....
> > Tom
> Decent sized hospitality village there in the foreground. The compression
> that this photo implies sure does make the track look smaller than its
> actual size.
> Thanks for sharing.