> > I want to build a race box for some older games that can also be
> > upgraded in the future. Is it possible to do both? Can't afford the
> > latest thing and I only want to get into the older stuff right now
> > anyway. Any advice on what deal I could get on putting together
> > something to run these? [MB, Video Card, etc.] Thanks.
> > GPL, GP2 & 3, SCGT, NLegends, DTR.
> Do you realize that the "latest thing" is in the 2 GHz / GeForce 4 range?
> This means you can get yourself a 1 GHz Athlon box with a decent GeForce 2
> video card for a pretty reasonable price nowadays. That will run GPL and
> SCGT just fine. Dunno about the others since I haven't played them.
> Even on a tight budget you shouldn't have to go much lower than this.
> the joys of runaway hardware improvements - the "old" stuff is still
> damn good.
> p.s. I have a 1.3 Athlon and a GeForce 2 Ultra and the thing runs all
> current driving games like a dream. It's less than a year old but it's
> already outdated and probably a bargain ba***t buy...
Not that I am anybody special, i have to agree here. I just built an old
'junker' for our NR2002 server. A 1.0Ghz AMD, 384 MB RAM, a GeForce256 etc.
I didn't have to buy a hard drive, I had an old 10 gigger laying around. The
whole system was less than $300 (again this did not include a HD or