I went back to the shop today, to change my notworkingcopy of GPL
Hoping this time to install it without problems, but no :(
It gives the same failure as the first one.
Pleeeease help me out.
When I insert the cdrom it starts spinning
the screen turns blue and says
Error reading cd-rom in station G:
Place cdrom with serialnr. xxxx-xxxx in station G:
If cdrom is in station it is possible that it has to be cleaned
push Enter if OK or Escape to cancel.
If I push Enter the same process repeats itself again and again.....
If I push Escape after a while it goes back to my desktopscreen
the cd starts spinning again and the same process starts over again.
This also happens when I have the cd in before and then start my computer.
Than I tried restart under DOS, now I can get to the directory of G:
When I type setup it says
CDR101: Not ready reading station G:
aborth,try again, failure
If I try to reach one of its directories like G:\TRACKS
I get the same failure.
Under windows I had everything turned of except explorer and systray
But under the skin I might have running or waiting? Tweakdun
My system is:
Celeron 266 O'clckd 400
Abit BX6 mobo
64Mb 100mhz Ram
Stealth 64 video 2201 2Mb PCI Graphic card
Diamond Monster Voodoo 1
Acm Gamecard
Soundblaster 16 awe 32
Any help welcome
How can I turn autorun cd off??
Hans v Dam