I felt I would add my two cents worth to all of the discussion on the
delays behind GP2. There have been many people who are crapping on about
how MP/SH have been waiting until faster chips come out, what a load of crap!
It has been well documented that the new Pentium Pro machines DO NOT run
16 bit code any faster than the current Pentiums. Unless you are running
the game on a true 32 bit operating system (NT or OS/2) than there is no
gain. Windows 95 is not a true 32 bit operating system, it has large
amounts of 16 bit code below it. It is already documented that Windows
95 runs slower on some new Pentium Pros.
The game is written using 16 bit code, although it has a flat memory
model thanks to dos4gw. The code is 16 bit, the OS is 16 bit, so a
Pentium 133 etc is the best you will get. If you want any faster
performance than buy a better video card and get more system memory.
Like many others, I am patiently awaiting the release date!
(0 0)
PHONE +61 7 3247 4968 / *
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Brisbane,Queensland,Australia. (DOS one day, NT the next)!
ooO Ooo