The problem is that the lure of Usenet seems to prevent otherwise sane &
logical minds from not having to have the last word and a pub debate can
last for years...
I think RAS will be the last place to know what is in store for in the sim
world, few developers or close contacts to developers are going to want to
share their thoughts here based on previous experiences. Shame.
Thin skinned sissies.
It's a combination of 1) people replying to those posts, bringing on more
spammers (some sort of catch-22) and 2) your own news server ISP having bad
-- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
-- This announcement is brought to you by the Shimago-Dominguez
Corporation - helping America into the New World...
There's a flip side to that coin though - what developers do we really
care to hear from?
There is Papyrus/FIRST who need no advice and then a bunch of arseholes
out to make money out of the genre. I don't want ***ers in here looking for
pats on the back - I want a company to give Papy/FIRST a true run for their
money. I've been waiting for this since I've been online for the last 9
years and it's yet to happen.
To all ??simulator?? companies other than Papy I say this - YOU'RE
***ING USELESS! To this day there is one company in the racing simulator
genre that can do multiplayer code - FFS!
Simbin so far can't even offer dedicated server support or even a proper
results file. And the replay functionality is pathetic. Can't wait for the
big May patch - LOL. What number we up to? 1.1 --> 1.2 --> 1.21 -->
.23 --> 1.3 .......................................... Thanks for the alpha
shit Simbin.
No wonder we talk so much shit - what else is there to do 'til FIRST is
up and running?
> Mitch
I hate to agree with such a post but it is so true! It often amazes me
what these companies do?!? If we were writing a Sim game we all know what
we want. Papy knew what we wanted. The net code in the early games was
better than GTR is now!
I have only played GTR on a lan, the 'jolt' as
someone joins is well inexcusable. LFS never had that problem. No other
game I know of has that problem. Counter Strike anyone? Maybe we can do a
Half-Life mod that lets you drive the cars.
So we are left with EA. Well that game looks like it was dead before it
got here. Shame, so much promised so little delivered.
rFactor is looking amazing. Guys if you are listening. Great work. How
about giving me a single seater to drive around with?? I really can't wait
for this game..
First.. Well they know how to start a hate war against them. Will the game
be any good, only time will tell. Will anyone buy it? Probably. (You know
you will when nothing else has really filled the gap and Nascar 2003 is
looking at tad old)
RSC I think is taking over from R.A.S although I don't spend much time
there. I guess it's the way the Internet is changing though, not racing in
particular. I used RAS with a modem. Now we all have BB a silly text forum
is a tad old school.
If you want to have some fun racing get in a league. I am Nascar'ing at
the moment over at www.v8thunder.com. Great bunch of guys. Only way to
race online is a closed community. Happens in 'real' racing too. Just go
Karting at a random track one weekend. People run you off the road.
Time to move on. But the small race games are the way forward I think. The
big players are all on consoles. So unless you want GT4 with sub 5 min
laps round the ring, let's support them..
I've been a "member" of RAS since (at least) April 1998...possibly
earlier...and there was negligible extraneous posting.
Any ***that was posted invariably had something to do with simulations
(ICR2, NASCAR2, GPL, GP2, GP3 et al) or real-life motor sport and not much
else....certainly nothing about religious terrorism, Viagra or Britney
Spears (thank Christ!).
Nowadays I might check into RAS every couple of days, whereas back when it
was all Geoff Crammond and Papyrus I'd be here every day.
Not any more; it's become a bit like a run-down pub which once-upon-a-time
was your favourite hangout but now you think twice about going there.
No slam against RSC, but I'd take the newsgroup format over a web based
forum any day, broadband or not. With ones favorite news reader, you
can sort, find, apply filters or rules, download quicker and save a
bunch of time in general. Some better web forums have some flexibility,
but none that I've seen come close to even the most basic news reader
software. Sure you can put pictures on the web forums, but that is a
double edge sword especially with all the useless signature pictures
people use. Ugh!
I think the demise (or supposed demise) of this group is not due to the
format but the fact that it is not moderated and/or (as other's have
said), that idiots are encouraged by getting replys to their posts.
Okay, now I'll go back to having fun with LFS S2 alpha ...