working on almost two years ago. Unfortunately, way back then I had a job
change that prevented me from bringing the thing to closure. Months passed
and I continued to hope that I'd be able to squeeze in the hours to get it
finished. I never found those hours and don't anticipate finding them.
So what I'd like to do is offer the source code to someone who has the
skills, the time, and the interest in and understanding of GPL to get the
job done. Honestly, I won't have the time to collaborate, but the code is
well-structured and commented so a talented VB6 developer should be able to
make it happen. The project does require a few custom controls (True DBGrid
and VS-OCX if my memory serves me) which you'd need to acquire if you don't
have them already. In addition, I have a FrontPage web site (that I've taken
down) available if that's needed.
Drop me a note describing your background, interest, and experience if
you're interested.
Thanks. I'd really like to see everyone ultimately enjoy GPaL.
Jack Rambo