across an old version of RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP, but am running into a
problem when I try to use it.
I have a THRUSTMASTER SUPER SPORT wheel and pedal set, but I cannot get
the game to calibrate the thing properly. Do you have any idea at all
what the problem is and how to fix it? The wheel and pedal system works
fine when being used in any WINDOWS sims, but it can't seem top work in
a DOS environment? I realize that this is ThrustMasters problem, but I
am hoping that someone may have an idea on how to correct the problem so
that I can play this sim! I have emailed Thrustmaster 4 times asking
this question, and have yet to receive a reply. If you have any ideas
about what I should try, I would really appreciate your input.
Thanks in advance for all your help.
Cary Martynuik