in win xp?
I can get gp2 to run and everything, but it doesn't recognise the existence
of my joystick.
David Corless
I can get gp2 to run and everything, but it doesn't recognise the existence
of my joystick.
David Corless
Look for GP2 COM&USB Racing wheel helper v0.05 alpha
Another way is to use a joystick->keys program. The best is rb-joy
I gave both a shot, the usb racing wheel helper didn't help - the testing
program wouldn't run because it couldn't load the vxb file, which is
probably related to why it didn't work in the game itself. On a sudden bit
of inspiration, I tried my old gameport standard 2 xis/2button joystick, and
that didn't work either, even with the wheel unplugged. Is this a stinky win
Xp thing? Even with it set to compatability with win 95 it wouldn't work.
Thanks for your help so far, but if anyone has actually been successful
running GP2 under win xp, I'd apprecite hearing how you managed it.
David Corless