European Grand Prix - Looked like GPL out there...

David L. Coo

European Grand Prix - Looked like GPL out there...

by David L. Coo » Tue, 23 May 2000 04:00:00

Wow - I'm watching the F1 race from Sunday again and am just amazed by the car
control in the rain by (some of) these guys.  Schumacher is the MASTER of the
wet.  LOL - these cars are sliding around like the '67 F1 cars in GPL :)

--David Cook

Harjan Bran

European Grand Prix - Looked like GPL out there...

by Harjan Bran » Wed, 24 May 2000 04:00:00

The one thing that you have to admit the stuff we see from Schumacher we
used to see form Alesi while he was still at Ferrari. I really feel a lot of
Schumachers confidence and ability in the wet comes from the Ferrari wet
handling. I remember Schumachers performance in the wet in his Benetton days
all to well, he was good but not a 'rainmeister'. I have to admit his catch
into the chicane looked great, but maybe that's just not possible with other

Claude Beaudoui

European Grand Prix - Looked like GPL out there...

by Claude Beaudoui » Wed, 24 May 2000 04:00:00

Or maybe he has considerably developed his abilities since the Benetton
Harjan Bran

European Grand Prix - Looked like GPL out there...

by Harjan Bran » Wed, 24 May 2000 04:00:00

That's a possibility and not a stupid one either. But where's Jeans rain
expertise. I remember him going around 3-4 secs quicker than anyone else at
Argentina in a very slow Ferrari.

Claude Beaudoui

European Grand Prix - Looked like GPL out there...

by Claude Beaudoui » Thu, 25 May 2000 04:00:00

I can only speculate.  [There's a lot of that in R.A.S.]  

Maybe Jean is not quite as driven or as hungry as he used to be.  With
time, other factors enter in one's mind which tend to reduce the sharp
focus formerly reserved for only one activity.  

Or there are limitations to his car which preclude his showing his
talents in the wet.

Dave Henri

European Grand Prix - Looked like GPL out there...

by Dave Henri » Thu, 25 May 2000 04:00:00

> I can only speculate.  [There's a lot of that in R.A.S.]

> Maybe Jean is not quite as driven or as hungry as he used to be.  With
> time, other factors enter in one's mind which tend to reduce the sharp
> focus formerly reserved for only one activity.

> Or there are limitations to his car which preclude his showing his
> talents in the wet.

  From what I can see and from what the Speedvision commentators
(Sam Posey, David Hobbs) say, the car definately precludes his
showing his rain or dry talents.
dave henrie
Goy Larse

European Grand Prix - Looked like GPL out there...

by Goy Larse » Fri, 26 May 2000 04:00:00

> > I can only speculate.  [There's a lot of that in R.A.S.]

> > Maybe Jean is not quite as driven or as hungry as he used to be.  With
> > time, other factors enter in one's mind which tend to reduce the sharp
> > focus formerly reserved for only one activity.

> > Or there are limitations to his car which preclude his showing his
> > talents in the wet.

>   From what I can see and from what the Speedvision commentators
> (Sam Posey, David Hobbs) say, the car definately precludes his
> showing his rain or dry talents.

That's an understatement :-)

Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy

"Team Mirage"
"The Pits"

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European Grand Prix - Looked like GPL out there...

by s » Tue, 30 May 2000 04:00:00

Sorry but I dont share your viewpoint. Schumacher has always been excellent in
the wet. Remeber Spa in 95? He stated from the back and won in the rain. There
he blew by Hill while on Slicks while Damon was on rain tires. I'll never
forget that day...

>> Wow - I'm watching the F1 race from Sunday again and am just amazed by the
>> control in the rain by (some of) these guys.  Schumacher is the MASTER of
>> wet.  LOL - these cars are sliding around like the '67 F1 cars in GPL :)

>> --David Cook


European Grand Prix - Looked like GPL out there...

by Eldre » Tue, 30 May 2000 04:00:00


>>The one thing that you have to admit the stuff we see from Schumacher we
>>used to see form Alesi while he was still at Ferrari. I really feel a lot of
>>Schumachers confidence and ability in the wet comes from the Ferrari wet
>>handling. I remember Schumachers performance in the wet in his Benetton days
>>all to well, he was good but not a 'rainmeister'. I have to admit his catch
>>into the chicane looked great, but maybe that's just not possible with other

>Sorry but I dont share your viewpoint. Schumacher has always been excellent
>the wet. Remeber Spa in 95? He stated from the back and won in the rain.
>he blew by Hill while on Slicks while Damon was on rain tires. I'll never
>forget that day...

Didn't he do the same thing at Monaco one year?  The announcers couldn't
*believe* the lead he was pulling out...

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Graeme Nas

European Grand Prix - Looked like GPL out there...

by Graeme Nas » Tue, 30 May 2000 04:00:00

Actually Hill passed Schuey when he was on wets and Schu on slicks. They
nearly collided at Les Combes and Schu went off allowing Hill through.
Still a great drive though :-)

Graeme Nash

// Just did my first 1m26 at Monza and feeling good :-)

Goy Larse

European Grand Prix - Looked like GPL out there...

by Goy Larse » Wed, 31 May 2000 04:00:00

> >There
> >he blew by Hill while on Slicks while Damon was on rain tires. I'll never
> >forget that day...

> Actually Hill passed Schuey when he was on wets and Schu on slicks. They
> nearly collided at Les Combes and Schu went off allowing Hill through.
> Still a great drive though :-)

And then we have Suzuka in 94, Hill beat Schumi in terrible conditions,
so no, Schumi hasn't *always* been the "rain master" :-)

Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy

"Team Mirage"
"The Pits"

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