Problem #1: Does anyone know how to configure a gamepad/joystick? I
want to set the gamepad up/down to shift gears so I don't have to use
Problem #2: Why does the GP mode have such a screwed up status display
while racing? A huge "clear" block on the bottom of the screen, no
tachometer, they are even wasting screen real estate of #&*^$
ADVERTISING, which I really do NOT appreciate! The arcade mode status
display works fine - how do I use it in GP mode?
Problem #3: Am I the only one that thinks this game feels like a beta
release? It's not just buggy, it's unfinished - like missing basic
game features like saving options to disk. Many other bugs/omissions
have been mentioned here. I don't mind the arcadish gameplay - I
expected that - but Psygnosic really needs to address the numerous
bugs and missing features in this game.