through out monday night, and tuesday at IP: (IP is fixed, never
You guys are lucky, I sit at home all day taking care of my 5 month old boy,
who doesnt allow me to get on computer. So, I have a cable connection going
to waste most of the day. I tell you what, I will leave a GPL server running
most hours of the day. If it is down, it is only temporary and usually means
I am doing the things I need to do online, (email, etc) Weekends I usually
am online, running SHRA so I wont be able to have the
server running most weekends. You are welcome to try as I will have it up if
possible. The times that I will have it up are as follows:
Times are Pacific time zone:
Monday & Tuesday - 7am - 7pm for sure, 7pm and later - 50/50 chance
Wednesday & Thursday - 7am - 2pm for sure, 2pm and later - 50/50 chance
Friday - 7am - 7pm for sure, 7pm and later - 50/50 chance
Saturday & Sunday - 50/50 chance
Donations? Mail to:
Tim McArthur
101 ineedmoney st.
banckrupt, CA 000.00
Here is a big thing guys:
Im sure that many others wanted to get into my server today but it was full
most of the time. Is it possible for someone to get a web page going that
has a list of all the servers like mine? You know, publish an IP, connection
type, hours of operation, proposed tracks, practice time, race length,
realism settings, etc. I think this would be a good idea for the time being
as many do want to race GPL online, just dont know where to go to find
others. I would do this myself, Im just too lazy and only want to race,
A couple other things;
1) If you cant get on the server, it is either full, or in the middle of a
race. The races only last about 20 minutes though, so try again then.
2) Mondays racing proved that this cable service can handle a huge load.
24000 bps times 20 people on the server most of the day Monday. Some had a
little lag here and there and I think that was due to internet traffic and t
he 28.8 - 56k connections that those people had. My cable modem was ready
for more.
3) Most of the day I am not at the computer so if I dont answer you, I will
check in sooner or later. Ask me any questions then.
4) I noticed a lot of rookie mistakes by soem, and me, on monday. I, sure
that most of us race or raced on NROS, so why are we making these mistakes?
well, first, GPL doesnt seem to have any "autochat" function to help with
those simple one button "get out of my way" chats.
5) No one uses the "lift arm" to signal others that they are slowing down.
This can be used to signal others to go ahead and pass, or that there is a
wreck ahead. I saw it in print somewhere, maybe the manual or strategy
guide, that others CAN see you lifting your arm. Please use this when you
are a slower car on the track. That alone would help with a lot of those
rookie mistakes.
Anyways, see you all on the track!