possible ?
Just set the player.ini setting to:
driverRating = 3 F1
driverRating = 2 F2
driverRating = 1 F3
The host setting will determine the race (F1, F2 or F3)
The clients can join with whichever class is chosen by the player.ini
You may wish to create some new players for each class.
Copying setups to the new folders will work but bear in mind you will need
to change the gearing.
This all works very well where you have large differences in ability.
Note the gap between F2 & F3 is much greater than F2 & F1.
Hope this helps
Perhaps I should add that the class setting in the player.ini file on the
host & client's PC can be different - in case it is not clear in my first
post :)