girlfriend but told her it was the cats :-) . Not even the slightest bit
competitive (although I won at Monza when the leaders either crashed or went
to Studio54 he he). The hardest thing is avoiding crashes. Latency, even
with a good connection, can make avoiding other spinning/crashing cars
difficult. I thought I was clear going into first turn at Monza at start and
suddenly a spinning car teleported in front of me. Bummer. The races are
short enough that you generally don't have to worry about getting in the way
of the leaders although in one race I was rear ended by the leader getting
lapped in first Lesmos corner. I saw him coming and did everything I could
to give him room but he hit me anyway. Oh well, dems da breaks. People drive
like crazy. In another situation I was so proud of myself that i avoided a
furball when some hotshot blew past me and clipped me in the side. I think
people would drive a bit different if you could hook up electrodes to give
em a bit of what it feels like to really crash. Of course, I need to learn
the rules too. Letting faster cars by can be difficult since holding the
line is the most predictable behaviour but they crash you anyway. It ain't
like driving in the mountains where they tail you till a convenient place to
let them pass. They just pretend you aren't there and hope for the best :-).
In the end, a good time was had by all. Plus, I've got more motivation to
practice as these guys are way way faster than me. Now a technical question.
I have a home lan with a cable connection through a linux ipchains firewall
(512down/128up). Does anyone know if I can run a server on one of my boxes
and play with the other or will I have to assign a unique routable ip to
each box (server and client)? TIA