This question I am asking was asked by someone else the other day and,
although he had about one reply, it wasn't the "right" answer. Let's see if
a few of you can try it again please. Okay, this is what's happening. I will
use the lap(s) I have just done a few mins ago in Rouen, but keep in mind
this happens on EVERY circuit in the sim! I do my outlap to start (Cooper I
used), then after TWO useless laps of say 2:20:xx (warming up the tyres,Huge
Grin!), I then proceed to do a 2:13:xx on lap 3, then I done a 2:11:85 on
lap 4 (Okay so far?). The problem is that on the lap where it gave me the
2:11:85 (Lap 3) I actually crashed and drove the rest of the lap a bit
slower! In other words I wrote it off and went around once more and pulled
into the pit's! The crazy thing is, when you watch the replay, the 2:11:85
had NO ERRORS!!!! and was a perfect lap (For me anyway!). The sim doesn't
appear to be giving me my lap times as they happen in "real time" so to
speak! A very strange problem I know. The lap times are genuine enough as
the replay's prove but, it is VERY annoying to do what you know to be a GOOD
lap and be shown a useless time for it! It tends to put you off as you can't
judge what has happened in real time. The answer someone gave to this BTW,
was that "because you crashed, you pushed harder/faster once you had
recovered and therefore were given a good lap for it). This can't be right
because I can assure you that as soon as I crashed out, I took it very easy
back around and over the finish line! Lap timings seem to be given out a lap
behind the "real" one if you can follow me! Anyway, sorry to ramble on but,
I really could use some thought's on this VERY ODD problem!