marked it as a 3d accelerator. Suddenly GPL freezed. It took almost a
minute to get to the track and frametrate was 2-3 fps. Before the re install
I had constant 36 fps with Pentium III, 128 RAM, Guillemots Maxi Gamer TNT 2
Ultra 32, SBLive value, MS FFW. and Nvidias detonator. I had detonators
3.72 . When freezin' started I installed detonator 3.53 and re installed gpl
over and over again. And everytime everything works fine in software mode
but as soon as I install openGL patch , game freezes. Seems that there's
something wrong with OPenGL but what?. Ihave installed detonators many
times, I know the prodecure ( first VGA mode, then uninstall and then new
drivers) and GPL has worked wekk with 3.53 detonators before in my computer.
Has anybody met this kind of thing before or at least similar kind o`???
Asko kallonen