my cars, i have downloaded some but dont no how to go about using this
please help and email me
thanks vic
please help and email me
thanks vic
1. unzip the contents of your new car graphics to a temporary folder
2. go to the ...Season00\Vehicles\Minardi folder
3. copy the TEAM.MAS file to some place safe. (I right-click-drag the file
within the folder, and select "Copy Here")
4. Run the app WinUnPak.exe, and unpack the Minardi TEAM.MAS ("Use same
filename for uncompression")
5. If you haven't already associated .mas files with MAStudio, do so
6. double click on the TEAM.MAS file in the Season00\Vehicles\Minardi folder
7. Open explorer, and "cascade" the window to size it so you can see the
contents of your temporary folder (that contain the new car graphics), and
the MAStudio window.
8. note the name of the first file in the new graphics folder, and highlight
it in the MAStudio list. You should be able to see a preview of it.
9. click the "Import .BMP" button, and locate the file via the dialog box.
10. Lather, Rinse, Repeat, until all the new car graphics have been
11. close MAStudio, done!
> 1. unzip the contents of your new car graphics to a temporary folder
> 2. go to the ...Season00\Vehicles\Minardi folder
> 3. copy the TEAM.MAS file to some place safe. (I right-click-drag the
> within the folder, and select "Copy Here")
> 4. Run the app WinUnPak.exe, and unpack the Minardi TEAM.MAS ("Use same
> filename for uncompression")
> 5. If you haven't already associated .mas files with MAStudio, do so
> (Options>Register.....).
> 6. double click on the TEAM.MAS file in the Season00\Vehicles\Minardi
> 7. Open explorer, and "cascade" the window to size it so you can see the
> contents of your temporary folder (that contain the new car graphics), and
> the MAStudio window.
> 8. note the name of the first file in the new graphics folder, and
> it in the MAStudio list. You should be able to see a preview of it.
> 9. click the "Import .BMP" button, and locate the file via the dialog box.
> 10. Lather, Rinse, Repeat, until all the new car graphics have been
> imported.
> 11. close MAStudio, done!
> Dents.
> > please would someone explain in childlike form on the process for
> upgarding
> > my cars, i have downloaded some but dont no how to go about using this
> > programe
> > please help and email me
> > thanks vic
> > ok.. for example, lets assume you downloaded new Minardi graphics
> > 1. unzip the contents of your new car graphics to a temporary folder
> > 2. go to the ...Season00\Vehicles\Minardi folder
> > 3. copy the TEAM.MAS file to some place safe. (I right-click-drag the
> file
> > within the folder, and select "Copy Here")
> > 4. Run the app WinUnPak.exe, and unpack the Minardi TEAM.MAS ("Use same
> > filename for uncompression")
> > 5. If you haven't already associated .mas files with MAStudio, do so
> > (Options>Register.....).
> > 6. double click on the TEAM.MAS file in the Season00\Vehicles\Minardi
> folder
> > 7. Open explorer, and "cascade" the window to size it so you can see the
> > contents of your temporary folder (that contain the new car graphics),
> > the MAStudio window.
> > 8. note the name of the first file in the new graphics folder, and
> highlight
> > it in the MAStudio list. You should be able to see a preview of it.
> > 9. click the "Import .BMP" button, and locate the file via the dialog
> > 10. Lather, Rinse, Repeat, until all the new car graphics have been
> > imported.
> > 11. close MAStudio, done!
> > Dents.
> > > please would someone explain in childlike form on the process for
> > upgarding
> > > my cars, i have downloaded some but dont no how to go about using this
> > > programe
> > > please help and email me
> > > thanks vic