Just a joke Iain. I said that because almost every post I made that
day you contradicted me. Anyway, don't get me wrong, I quite like F1
Just a joke Iain. I said that because almost every post I made that
day you contradicted me. Anyway, don't get me wrong, I quite like F1
> Here's what it says in Websters online.
> Collide \Col*lide"\, v. t. To strike or dash against
> I never struck or dashed against anything. I was struck by the car
> behind me. I'm the struckee, not the strucker. Anyway, it's not a big
> deal. I'll just have to learn to take those corners faster.
> --
> Nos
Where are all those English language graduates when one needs them ;) ?
Good for them! Alas, I'm not one of them. Admittedly, on a "lowly"
c300a/450 with V3. Typically, mirrors reduce my varying framerate of 16-25 by
5 or 6. That's when there are a few cars around. The ~16 occurs on most
tracks front straights. 25+ on more remote parts of the track. Turn mirrors
off when running alone and framerate might go from a 25-30 all the way up past
50. At anything below 20-25, I sense a delay in reactions. The start of any
race is an exercise in frustration with the battle to get traction, a bunch of
AI cars nipping at my heals, and the inevitable delays and framerate stalls.
After that (if I survive), and the first couple of turns, things are usually
smooth enough.
Hmm..now your confusing me. :-) Here's how I see it. He collided into
me and I didn't collide into him. Therefore; the *** on the radio
should say, "you were struck by so and so".
English is a bastardized language anyway so I wouldn't pay any
attention to those guys. :-)
> Have you tried turning other options off besides the mirrors. I have a
> P3 500 which isn't much more than yours and I was able to get a decent
> frame rate by tunring other options off. I'll even run at 640x480 if
> it will allow me to keep the low detail mirrors on. I only allow 8
> cars at a time to be rendered also. I admit it is a bit slow at the
> start, but once it thins out it is very playable for me.
> --
> Nos
The first variant does allow me to run most other options on at
1024x768, and it is the best compromise IMHO.
Oh, a P3 450 and Voodoo 3 here.
> Hmm..now your confusing me. :-) Here's how I see it. He collided into
> me and I didn't collide into him. Therefore; the *** on the radio
> should say, "you were struck by so and so".
Have you tried turning other options off besides the mirrors. I have a
P3 500 which isn't much more than yours and I was able to get a decent
frame rate by tunring other options off. I'll even run at 640x480 if
it will allow me to keep the low detail mirrors on. I only allow 8
cars at a time to be rendered also. I admit it is a bit slow at the
start, but once it thins out it is very playable for me.
This is where we are having a bit of trouble. I never collided with
him. He collided into me - probably deliberately too. SCGT is by the
same developers and in that game the AI cars will sometimes
deliberately try to run you off the road when you try to pass them.
This is supposed to be a gentleman's sport and not wrestling on
> >>In most other sims, we can use our mirror without the framerate hit. <<
> Ho, ho , ho!
> Very amusing, but some of us have no problem with frame rate and mirrors
> even at 1024.
> Iain
Chuck Kandler #70
K&S Racing
Your freedom's just a state of mind. --Gene Simmons
From the song "War Machine", 1982
> >But you
> >collided with him
> This is where we are having a bit of trouble. I never collided with
> him. He collided into me - probably deliberately too. SCGT is by the
> same developers and in that game the AI cars will sometimes
> deliberately try to run you off the road when you try to pass them.
> This is supposed to be a gentleman's sport and not wrestling on
> wheels.
> This is where we are having a bit of trouble. I never collided with
> him. He collided into me - probably deliberately too. SCGT is by the
> same developers and in that game the AI cars will sometimes
> deliberately try to run you off the road when you try to pass them.
> This is supposed to be a gentleman's sport and not wrestling on
> wheels.
> --
> Nos
Anyway, back to the topic, the AI are a bit overagressive, I agree,
especially for openwheelers. BTW, did you read Fisichela had quite a
flying today at testing in Valencia, I think, with his Benetton touching
Trulli's wheels. This is one reason why openwheelers will be slightly
less agressive than what is depicted in the sim. But if you take the
corners fast enough and, when side by side, you also try to prevent an
accident rather than try to fight for position at all costs, you will
not collide as often (actually, the AI won't collide into you :) ). This
does not apply to immediate starts, of course, when there are too many
cars around for the AI to handle, it seems.
> > >But you
> > >collided with him
> > This is where we are having a bit of trouble. I never collided with
> > him. He collided into me - probably deliberately too. SCGT is by the
> > same developers and in that game the AI cars will sometimes
> > deliberately try to run you off the road when you try to pass them.
> > This is supposed to be a gentleman's sport and not wrestling on
> > wheels.
> Perhaps you should watch more F1 races and pay special attention
> to Michael Schumacher. Especially when he trys to take people out
> deliberately. There was JV a few years ago where he was stripped
> of all championship points for the entire year after the last race. And
> then a few weeks ago against his brother.
> --
> > --
> > Nos
I won't comment on the JV incident, but come on, the "brotherly
love"-move at Barcelona was beautiful, rather ingenious IMHO. That's
racing. :)
> On Thu, 25 May 2000 11:12:56 +0200, Gregor Veble
> >You should know I am pursuing this discussion because I find it fun and
> >not because I would want to get into any disputes. To strike against
> >something or to strike something, I guess there is the same difference
> >as we discussed before. The first IMHO again doesn't imply the action of
> >any party, while the second clearly implies a 'strucker' (good word
> >BTW).
> Hmm..now your confusing me. :-) Here's how I see it. He collided into
> me and I didn't collide into him. Therefore; the *** on the radio
> should say, "you were struck by so and so".
> >Where are all those English language graduates when one needs them ;) ?
> English is a bastardized language anyway so I wouldn't pay any
> attention to those guys. :-)
Your mouse has moved. Windows must be restarted for the change
to take effect. Reboot now?
|\ _,,,---,,_ I want to die like my Grandfather,
ZZZzz /,`.-'`' -. ;-;;,_ in his sleep.
|,4- ) )-,_. ,\ ( `'-' Not like the people in his car,
'---''(_/--' `-'\_) screaming their heads off!
Yes, I think we've done at least three complete circles on this issue.
No, haven't read the news today. I'll look for it though.
Well, I'll try not to let them collide into me so often. :-)