> Using a basic microsoft sidewinder joystick, what settings should i
> use with reference to linear/non linear(where abouts on the line), and
> what difference is there with linear/non-linear.
Linear means the ratio between your controller movement and the steering
of your front wheels is constant (move the controller half way, the
wheels turn half way, etc.). Non-linear adds some fudging with that to
make it easier to drive - small movements of the controller don't have as
large an effect (so you're not wandering around on straights, for
example). Non-linear sacrifices accuracy for ease-of-use. Generally,
people with wheels tend to favor close to linear or even full linear,
whereas stick users would want something on the non-linear side of
The lower the number the more you will turn your wheels with the same
amount of controller movement. A low number can get very squirrely, but
can also enable you to get around hairpins, etc. The game makes up for
the hairpin problem by temporarily reducing the ratio when you are going
slow (30mph?) There is a setting in core.ini (can't remember off the top
of my head - something with steering_hack in it, I think) that can turn
this on or off. I haven't tried GPL with a joystick, but since you can
move the stick from side to side faster than with a wheel, I would think
you would want the number on the high side. This will also make the car
less twitchy.
Definitely get a wheel or at the very least pedals (preferably with the
brakes and accelerator on different axes).
Hope this helps,
Dave Ewing
David A. Ewing