> Interaction Magazine (Sierra's magazine) had a preview of Nascar 2 '99.
> Pictures of white face gauges, talk of updated tracks, new tracks, truck
> specific physics, 3dfx support, and other goodies have me ready to grab
> it as soon as it hits the stores. Only one thing is bothering me, there
> is a little line in there that says "Native Windows 95 support", after
> the ICR2 Win95 fiasco, I am not looking forward to a Win95 version of
> N2. My lowly P166 runs N2 perfect in DOS, it runs in Win95 but it jerks
> and wheezes at times. So I was wondering if anyone out there has any
> inside info as to whether it will be a "true" Win95 game, or just a
> Win95 interface that I can by-pass and still run in DOS.
> -JH-
David Martin
Director of IVL http://ivl.card.unc.edu
Producer of RaceSet http://ivl.card.unc.edu/RACESET/RACESET.HTM
>> Interaction Magazine (Sierra's magazine) had a preview of Nascar 2 '99.
>> Pictures of white face gauges, talk of updated tracks, new tracks, truck
>> specific physics, 3dfx support, and other goodies have me ready to grab
>> it as soon as it hits the stores. Only one thing is bothering me, there
>> is a little line in there that says "Native Windows 95 support", after
>> the ICR2 Win95 fiasco, I am not looking forward to a Win95 version of
>> N2. My lowly P166 runs N2 perfect in DOS, it runs in Win95 but it jerks
>> and wheezes at times. So I was wondering if anyone out there has any
>> inside info as to whether it will be a "true" Win95 game, or just a
>> Win95 interface that I can by-pass and still run in DOS.
>> -JH-
>Well, I hope that "Native Windows 95 support" really means "support", as
>in you can run it from W95. Since it is a N2 engine sim, I'm really
>hoping that means that it's a DOS application.