while reading Genta ( for the purpose of development of a vehicle sim)
I got a bit confused
let us consider Pacejka magic formula for longitudal force ( Genta p
the maximum value of longitudal force might be equal to D
D = mu p *Fz
mu p =b1*Fz+b2
Fz - load and b1 and b2 are respective coeffs.
at pp 526 for large front wheel drive saloon car the following
coeefs are given
b1=-7.6118 b2=1122.6
we take at front wheels Fz =3381 H ( or 3.381 kN for Pacejka)
so we have
D = 3708.49
Now we have that road adhesion might not exceed (road friction
coeff) * Fz
even if I get road friction ==1
anyway seems that Pacejka max force is greater than road adhesion....
Does it mean I should limit output force if it exceeds adhesion or
the force is actually physically OK?
the another question might be is there straight way to couple friction
coefficient with Pacejka coeffs?
or for each type of road/tire there is a need in separate Pacejka
coeffs set?