> > You and me certainly have a different view of what racing is, but
> > that's ok...
> Well, we all certainly love to see close, on track action and
> racing for the lead. But racing, and particularly F1, is about more
> than that. The race for the constructors Championship and also the
> drivers Championship should be a great fight 'til about the last
> race I'd say. It's certainly a lot better than wondering by what
> race MS will have tied up the title, that's for sure.
You had to have F1 too?
Can't we have one for people who want to see the state of auto
designing art advanced to the highest level possible? Just one? Is
that too damn much to ask?
I guess so.
"Listen, my boy, I can't abide children. I know it's the style nowadays to
make a terrible fuss over you - but I don't go for it. As far as I'm concerned,
they're no good for anything but screaming, torturing people, breaking things,
smearing books with jam and tearing the pages." - The Neverending Story