After running the converted IMS in GPL ever since Dave made his excellent
converter available, i was struck at the similarity between the Indy 500
that was just run last weekend and the F3 class of racing in GPL..
The F3 cars at IMS perform in EXACTLY the same way at IMS as the IRL cars
did and are subject to the same drafting and need for close & clean racing
lines as the IRL cars showed..
Before everyone gets on their high horses saying how that is only due to
the downforce of the IRL cars, i already know that, but what i am saying
is that to drive a GPL car at the converted IMS with the closest GPL can
come to mimicking reality, IS with the F3 cars..
The GPL F3 cars speed are not as great, but the actual in car footage of
the IRL cars from the race could have been taken straight out of a F3 race
It sure as hell beats the sideways, almost out-of-control feeling the F1 &
F2 cars in GPL portray at IMS, all IMO of course..
For those of you that havn't tried a F3 car at IMS, you don't know what you
are missing out on, where drafting and lines are the order of the day, not
pot luck and brute force like the F1/F2 cars and drivers display... :)