An Extremely Brief Summary of Changes in the 1.3 Patch
9 March 2001
- DirectX: fixed reference count bug when terminating mip traversal early.
- DirectX: disabled creation of vertex buffers for project point... fixes
bluescreen in Win2K.
- Loading: Handle partial file reads (yes, this was lame)
- Loading: retry failed reads
- Shorter rolling start
- emit results.txt in all modes
- use config_dir/driver_name.tga as in-game driver picture, if present
- Pitting traffic-management overhaul
- Yellow-flags overhaul
- Cars leaving pits at California don't hose traffic
- Pacecar gets off track if final lap
- Better pack shakeup
- Cars start rolling start at more appropriate position
- Pole sitter disconnect? Start race anyway.
- Ask for password when using -server: cmdline to connect to
password-protected servers
- Don't send empty chats
- Fixed incredibly dumb packet recycling bug
- Less sensitive to crazy data
- Perma-kick: kicked users cannot reconnect for N minutes, optionally
- dedicated server: "chat" command for console communication
- latecomers no longer get incredibly good qualify times
- "impatient server": server auto-approves everyone after N seconds,
- Rudimentary cheating detection
- Rolling starts cosmetically different; side effect of yellow overhaul
- use config_dir/driver_name.tex as car texture for remote human cars, if
- No black flags when passing on rolling start