A list of games "protected" by (or "infested" with, depending) w. Star
Force, including Codie titles like TOCA Race Driver, posted on
AceSaga N/A Star Force
American Conquest N/A CDV Software Russia StarForce 3
Anito: Defend A Land Enraged N/A Anino Entertainment Asia StarForce 1
Anstoss 4 N/A ? Germany StarForce 3
Army Men N/A 3DO Russia StarForce
Bandits: Phoenix Rising N/A Tri Synergy N/A StarForce
Breed 1.0 CDV US StarForce
Breed N/A CDV France StarForce
Broken Sword 3: The Sleeping Dragon N/A
Revolution US StarForce
Chrome N/A Strategy First Russia StarForce 3
Codename: Outbreak N/A *** Interactive Russia StarForce 1
Cossacks: Back To War N/A CDV Software Russia StarForce 1
Cossacks: European Wars N/A GSC Russia StarForce 3
Curse: The Eye of Isis N/A Dreamcatcher Interactive N/A StarForce 3
Cycling Manager 3 N/A GMX Media N/A StarForce 3
Dead to Rights N/A Hip Interactive N/A StarForce 3
Demonic Speedway N/A ? Poland StarForce 3
Desert Rats vs. Afrika Corps 1.0 Monte Cristo France StarForce
DTM Race Driver 2 N/A Codemasters N/A StarForce
Emergency Fire Response N/A Dreamcatcher Interactive N/A StarForce 3
Enigma: Rising Tide N/A Tesseraction Games N/A StarForce 3
Etherlords N/A Fishtank Interactive Russia StarForce 1
Etherlords II N/A Strategy First N/A StarForce
Fire Chief N/A Strategy First N/A StarForce 3
Fire Department N/A Monte Cristo N/A StarForce 3
Gangland N/A Whiptail Interactive N/A StarForce
Heroes of Might & Magic IV: The Gathering Storm N/A 3DO Russia StarForce
Horse Race Manager N/A Cyanide N/A StarForce 3
Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter N/A Interplay UK StarForce 3
IL-2 Sturmovik N/A Ubi Soft Russia StarForce 1
Kicker Manager 2004 N/A Deep Silver N/A StarForce
Kill Switch 1.0 Namco France StarForce
Korea: Forgotten Conflict N/A CENEGA N/A StarForce 3
Magna Carta N/A Korea N/A StarForce 1
Magnamedia N/A Russia N/A StarForce 3
Mercedes-Benz World Racing N/A TDK Mediactive Spain StarForce 3
Might & Magic IX: Writ of Fate N/A 3DO Russia StarForce
Narsillion N/A ? Russia StarForce 1
Obscure N/A Hydravision Entertainment N/A StarForce
Pax Romana N/A Dreamcatcher Interactive N/A StarForce 3
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time N/A Ubisoft Russia StarForce 3
Pro Rugby Manager N/A Digital Jesters N/A StarForce
Rally Championship Xtreme N/A Warthog Entertainment Software N/A StarForce
Rendezvous 3 N/A ? Russia StarForce
Restaurant Empire N/A Enlight Software N/A StarForce
Revolution N/A Activision Value Publishing N/A StarForce
Runaway: A Road Adventure N/A Tri Synergy N/A StarForce 3
Seventh Seal: The Resurrection of the Dark Lord N/A ? Asia StarForce 2
Shtyrlits 3: USSR Agent N/A ? Russia StarForce 1
Siege of Avalon N/A Digital Tome Russia StarForce 1
Silent Storm N/A Nival N/A StarForce 3
Silkolene Honda Motocross GP N/A Midas Interactive Entertainment N/A
StarForce 3
Sniper N/A ? N/A StarForce 3
Soldiers: Heroes of World War II 1.05.1 Codemasters N/A StarForce
Tennis Masters Series: Battleground of Champions N/A Microids Asia StarForce
Tennis Masters Series: Battleground of Champions 1.1 Microids Czech
StarForce 3
The Heroes of Three Kingdoms N/A N/A Asia StarForce
The I Of The Dragon N/A Primal Software Russia StarForce 3
The Westerner N/A Focus Home Interactive France StarForce
TOCA Race Driver 2 1.0 Codemasters N/A StarForce
TOCA Race Driver 2 1.1 Codemasters N/A StarForce
TOCA Race Driver 2 1.2 Codemasters N/A StarForce
Track Mania N/A Nadeo N/A StarForce
Trackmania N/A Nadeo N/A StarForce 3
UFO: Aftermath 1.00 CENEGA Spain StarForce 3
V8 Supercars 2 N/A Codemasters Australia StarForce
Wildlife Park N/A Encore, Inc N/A StarForce 3
World War II: Frontline Command Strategy First N/A StarForce
World War II: Frontline Command N/A Strategy First N/A StarForce 3
X2: The Threat N/A Enlight Software N/A StarForce
Xuan-Yuan Sword 4 N/A ? ASIA StarForce 2
Also they apparently include this protection with the demos of some of these
games ???
Why ?
...AND the tool to remove the evil scheme: