THis is A pretty neat game kinda like Sim and arcade game in one..
BUT!!!! Boy did Microsoft do some really bad programming for the
Network Play of the game.. Modem play Rocks.. BUt TCP/IP play SUCKS!!
Big time.. When ever ya get hit by LAG of the net.. THe Game Freezes for
alttle bit.. sometimes.. BUT most of the time It locks UP MY Whole
MAchine. NO ctrl-alt-del.. nothing til I turn off the modem or RE-boot..
To bad.. Microsoft has to mess up such a Cool Game.. As Monster Truck
MAdness..HOpefully they wil be able to patch it. Or re-write the code
for netplay..
Other wise it is JUNK to play over the NET.. BUmmer..BUt HEy thats
HAs ANY one else experience any of the Problems.. tryin to Race over the
net??? I have tryed to play OVER 30 races and only have had maybe 2 or3
good races.. NOT GOOD DEAL at ALL....
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