>I have lost my extra pots that I bought with my TSW. I can order
>spec pots for $22 each at the TSW site. Are these the best pots,
>or is there another brand that has a long life with the TSW?
The spec pot that TSW sell is made by Spectrol, model 157, 50K single
turn conductive plastic.These are available from Mouser Electronics in
Mansfield,Texas. http://www.mouser.com 1-800-346-6873
They are $19.97 ea. or in quantity of 5-9 at $12.80 ea.
Mouser stock number is 594-15711503
And no,I don't work for Mouser,but in my work I do a lot of business
with them.This is probably the highest quality pot you can use with
your TSW,unless you want to spend $150 or more :)
Stay away from carbon compostion pots like Alpha,unless you need a
quick fix,cuz' they won't last very long!BTW,the Spectrol model 157
has a rotational life of 2 million turns,should last for awhile ;-)
Dave K