On Sun, 24 Jan 1999 10:33:30 -0500, Otto Matheke
>My GP1 seems a little vague near to center and the pointer jumps around
>a little with wheel centered while calibrating. Is this wear or a dirty
>pot? If a dirty pot, is automotive spray circuit board contact cleaner
>ok to use or will it harm the pot. Is canned air a better alternative?
That very well could be a dirty pot. My T-2 was doing the same thing
until I leaned the pot. My cleaner of choice is Tuner Control Cleaner
and Lubricant from Radio Sack (Cat No. 64-4315) It works great for my
T2, but I originally purchased it for the knobs on my Marshall
"How can you run from a dead person, unless you're dead yourself?"
-Venus in Furs
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