GF3Ti500 vs. GF4Ti4200 in games


GF3Ti500 vs. GF4Ti4200 in games

by Destro » Sun, 01 Dec 2002 09:55:05

Just in case anyone wants to know what to expect from a vid card upgrade
on a medium power system.

Specs. - 1400Athlon, 512mb
Simply did tests with the Ti500 then installed the Ti4200 (with proper
drivers) and ran same tests again.

Doom3 Alpha-
12x10 4200=map 1= 9 fps
12x10 500 =map 1= 9 fps
12x10 4200=map 2= 14.5 fps
12x10 500 =map 2= 14.5 fps

12x10 4200 w. AA on =25 fps
12x10 4200 w. AA off=38 fps
12x10  500 w. AA off=15.5 fps

10x7 4200 w. AA on =25 fps
10x7 4200 w. AA off=49 fps
10x7  500 w. AA off=49 fps

RalliSport Challenge-
6x4   4200 w. AA off=38
6x4    500 w. AA off=26

6x4   4200 w. AA on=38
6x4    500 w. AA on=26

12x10 4200 w. AA off=25
12x10  500 w. AA off=19

12x10 4200 w. AA on=19
12x10  500 w. AA on=19

16x12 4200 w. AA off=25
16x12  500 w. AA off=NA

16x12 4200 w. AA on=19
16x12  500 w. AA on=NA


GF3Ti500 vs. GF4Ti4200 in games

by Destro » Sun, 01 Dec 2002 09:58:08

Oh, I used 4S(the highest) AA with the 4200 and Quin AA with the 500.

> Just in case anyone wants to know what to expect from a vid card upgrade
> on a medium power system.

> Specs. - 1400Athlon, 512mb
> Simply did tests with the Ti500 then installed the Ti4200 (with proper
> drivers) and ran same tests again.

> Doom3 Alpha-
> 12x10 4200=map 1= 9 fps
> 12x10 500 =map 1= 9 fps
> 12x10 4200=map 2= 14.5 fps
> 12x10 500 =map 2= 14.5 fps

> Comanche4-
> 12x10 4200 w. AA on =25 fps
> 12x10 4200 w. AA off=38 fps
> 12x10  500 w. AA off=15.5 fps

> Mecwarrior3-
> 10x7 4200 w. AA on =25 fps
> 10x7 4200 w. AA off=49 fps
> 10x7  500 w. AA off=49 fps

> RalliSport Challenge-
> 6x4   4200 w. AA off=38
> 6x4    500 w. AA off=26

> 6x4   4200 w. AA on=38
> 6x4    500 w. AA on=26

> 12x10 4200 w. AA off=25
> 12x10  500 w. AA off=19

> 12x10 4200 w. AA on=19
> 12x10  500 w. AA on=19

> 16x12 4200 w. AA off=25
> 16x12  500 w. AA off=NA

> 16x12 4200 w. AA on=19
> 16x12  500 w. AA on=NA


GF3Ti500 vs. GF4Ti4200 in games

by )-()- » Sun, 01 Dec 2002 10:29:16

> Just in case anyone wants to know what to expect from a vid card upgrade
> on a medium power system.

> Specs. - 1400Athlon, 512mb
> Simply did tests with the Ti500 then installed the Ti4200 (with proper
> drivers) and ran same tests again.

> Doom3 Alpha-
> 12x10 4200=map 1= 9 fps
> 12x10 500 =map 1= 9 fps
> 12x10 4200=map 2= 14.5 fps
> 12x10 500 =map 2= 14.5 fps

> Comanche4-
> 12x10 4200 w. AA on =25 fps
> 12x10 4200 w. AA off=38 fps
> 12x10  500 w. AA off=15.5 fps

> Mecwarrior3-
> 10x7 4200 w. AA on =25 fps
> 10x7 4200 w. AA off=49 fps
> 10x7  500 w. AA off=49 fps

> RalliSport Challenge-
> 6x4   4200 w. AA off=38
> 6x4    500 w. AA off=26

> 6x4   4200 w. AA on=38
> 6x4    500 w. AA on=26

> 12x10 4200 w. AA off=25
> 12x10  500 w. AA off=19

> 12x10 4200 w. AA on=19
> 12x10  500 w. AA on=19

> 16x12 4200 w. AA off=25
> 16x12  500 w. AA off=NA

> 16x12 4200 w. AA on=19
> 16x12  500 w. AA on=NA

Ouch !
Could you post Doom3 at 10x7 with the 4200.
Looks like i might have to upgrade my CPU.
Great post.
J Crai

GF3Ti500 vs. GF4Ti4200 in games

by J Crai » Sun, 01 Dec 2002 13:48:52

This link might be helpful


GF3Ti500 vs. GF4Ti4200 in games

by Nick » Sun, 01 Dec 2002 20:26:19

> > Doom3 Alpha-
> > 12x10 4200=map 1= 9 fps
> > 12x10 500 =map 1= 9 fps
> > 12x10 4200=map 2= 14.5 fps
> > 12x10 500 =map 2= 14.5 fps

> Ouch !
> Could you post Doom3 at 10x7 with the 4200.
> Looks like i might have to upgrade my CPU.
> Great post.
> Thanks.

Just thought I'd mention the fact that the Doom 3 Alpha is in no way
representative of the performance of the Doom 3 retail version. It is
optimised for the NV30, and there isn't much in the way of optimisation for
anything else (it is an Alpha, and not a release - it was designed to run on
the computers at E3 only). So just hang on a little before you buy that new
Nitz Wals

GF3Ti500 vs. GF4Ti4200 in games

by Nitz Wals » Mon, 02 Dec 2002 00:04:02

Which of course, makes the comparisons rather useless.  4S is extremely
bandwidth and fillrate intensive, it's by far the most resource-hogging AA
mode on the GF4 line.  If you're comparing performance, then keep the
graphical settings the same.


GF3Ti500 vs. GF4Ti4200 in games

by Destro » Mon, 02 Dec 2002 00:31:48

Well really doesn't seem to matter anyway. After playing a while, any AA
with either of these cards on my system is not worth the performance hit
IMO. AA is for cards that can handle - ATI 9700 and hopefully the
upcoming GF FX.

Mark H

GF3Ti500 vs. GF4Ti4200 in games

by Mark H » Mon, 02 Dec 2002 02:17:27

>Oh, I used 4S(the highest) AA with the 4200 and Quin AA with the 500.

>> Just in case anyone wants to know what to expect from a vid card upgrade
>> on a medium power system.

>> Specs. - 1400Athlon, 512mb
>> Simply did tests with the Ti500 then installed the Ti4200 (with proper
>> drivers) and ran same tests again.

Really a better upgrade for that system would be cpu.
Notice on a couple test the results didn't change between the cards,
this is because your cpu couldn't feed even the Ti500 data fast enough
to take full use of it.

GF3Ti500 vs. GF4Ti4200 in games

by Glaspa » Tue, 03 Dec 2002 17:46:16

Y'kno... I just upgraded to a P4/2.66Ghz/GF4 Ti 4600/512Mb Corsair XMS 512Mb
PC3500/Antec 430W system...
built especially for racing sims...
and I'm not so terribly impressed....

Yes, it is fast...
I can run 1600x1200 (no-FSAA/4xAF) on a 19" CRT...
(F1 2001/2002/GPL/MBTR/Heat/Thunder2003/SCGTat10x7)

But somehow... I expected more...
(4sFSAA/8xAF in SCGT with Mod cars is still too much...)

I get just shy of 13,000 on 3DMark2001..
Compared to upper 8's on my old system..
(AMD 1600+/GF3 Ti200/512Mb Crucial PC2100/Enermax 350W)
But, I see little real-world difference...
On the 19", 1280x960 is fine... (AA&AF a bonus)

Luckily, it's no loss...
I'm considering dedicating the P4 to audio recording (w/ the GF3)
and using the AMD (w/ GF4) for games...
Real-time audio-processing will probably make more benefit of the CPU...

But, I'd recommend anyone about to lay out hard-earned cash,
to shoot lower in CPU speed...
In practice, it didn't help me much...


> Really a better upgrade for that system would be cpu.
> Notice on a couple test the results didn't change between the cards,
> this is because your cpu couldn't feed even the Ti500 data fast enough
> to take full use of it.

Dave Henri

GF3Ti500 vs. GF4Ti4200 in games

by Dave Henri » Tue, 03 Dec 2002 18:20:58

    SCGT is a poorly optimized sim, and when you mix in high polygon-count
cars, even a Cray will bog down.  I used to get better fps with a PIII 500
and voodoo5 than I do now with a xp 18+/gf3ti200

       your gf 4 is fast when used in lower resolutions.  ONce you climb
over 12x8 and begin using fsaa and anistrophic stuff, it overwhelms the
card.   You did right by going for a fast cpu.  You just need to realize the
other limits your sytem still has.  Turn off the Fsaa and other effects and
the card should scream  (just not with SCGT){biggest frame-rate improvement
for scgt is to use the 1/4 size mirror from the uspits.
  Try benchmarking with n2k2 or the 3dsetup program for F1 2k2.    I'd guess
without fsaa enabled, you should get over 40 million triangles  in f1 2k2.
dave henrie


GF3Ti500 vs. GF4Ti4200 in games

by Glaspa » Tue, 03 Dec 2002 19:05:38

I agree Dave...
I have a Voodoo5 that runs the original SCGT in Glide
at 800x600 beautifully (PIII/733/256Mb)

I do get 43+M-tri in F1 2K2 at 1280x960x32...
But at 1024x768 w/4xFSAA&8xAF it's too slow.
(complain...complain... I know)

It is Fast... (very fast)
I guess that I was just expecting a HUGE jump in performance...
Which I didn't get...

Like I said... no loss...
I'll use this system for something else..
The AMD1600+ with a GF4 Ti4600 should run everything "well enough"...

Btw... I do use the 1/4 size fuzzy-mod mirror patch in SCGT (60fps with no
I even reduced smoke t bump the FPS...
(btw2... do you notice a scruntched effect with the dash-view in the
newly-released Nordscleife?)

Thanks for the input Dave...


GF3Ti500 vs. GF4Ti4200 in games

by Goldfinge » Wed, 04 Dec 2002 01:23:06

What resolution are you running you old AMD + GF3 at?  I have a P4 2.7G +
GF3 Ti 200 overclocked to almost Ti500 and I only get 8500 in 3D Mark 2001
under 1280X1024.  Seems to me your old 3D Mark number is really high.

Dave Henri

GF3Ti500 vs. GF4Ti4200 in games

by Dave Henri » Wed, 04 Dec 2002 03:05:28

   Nope I missed that,  I had not run SCGT for quite some time and so I
dloaded an Oreca Viper just for the Nordscliefe.(had to put up with an ART
Viper dash tho...tsk tsk)   :)  So I didn't perceive the scrunched view.
Perhaps they messed with the FOV slightly.
dave henrie


GF3Ti500 vs. GF4Ti4200 in games

by cc » Wed, 04 Dec 2002 16:45:37

There is a patch to fix this scrunched view.

karkrazy AT softhome DOT net


GF3Ti500 vs. GF4Ti4200 in games

by Jaglema » Fri, 06 Dec 2002 04:56:09

I had an AMD 1800XP, GF3 Ti 200 (o/c'd to 210 / 500) - 512 Mb DDR PC2100
running FAST at Cas 2 etc. 3DMark 7750 (ish)
(all this on a 133 FSB). 30.82 reference Detonators. I wouldnt worry if you
score 8500 - that sounds about right for the Ti 500 at default clock speeds.

Though your investment in a 2.7G P4 deserves a beefier GF4 Ti card - a 4200
o/c'd to Ti 4400 levels will bring you up to 13000 ish imho (with 40

> > I get just shy of 13,000 on 3DMark2001..
> > Compared to upper 8's on my old system..
> > (AMD 1600+/GF3 Ti200/512Mb Crucial PC2100/Enermax 350W)
> > But, I see little real-world difference...
> > On the 19", 1280x960 is fine... (AA&AF a bonus)

> What resolution are you running you old AMD + GF3 at?  I have a P4 2.7G +
> GF3 Ti 200 overclocked to almost Ti500 and I only get 8500 in 3D Mark 2001
> under 1280X1024.  Seems to me your old 3D Mark number is really high. is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.