> leo
> > Looking for tracks, cars, mods,etc. Where is a good download site.
> > bluestringer
NR2003 no cd launcher - protect that cd-rom, because it will cost
you $60 USA or more to replace it:
If you have Windows XP, you can use the no-cd launcer online.
First rename the nocd launcher to nr2003n.exe. Leave the
original version named nr2003.exe. Then create a batch
file with the following lines:
if not exist nr2003c.exe ren nr2003.exe nr2003c.exe
if not exist nr2003n.exe ren nr2003.exe nr2003n.exe
ren nr2003n.exe nr2003.exe
start nr2003.exe
ren nr2003.exe nr2003n.exe
ren nr2003c.exe nr2003.exe
Batch file process: renames the files to a known state (to recover
in case it was interrupted); renames the no-cd version to nr2003.exe;
launches (starts) the no-cd version; then renames the files
back so that nr2003.exe is the regular version; which is checked
when you go online.
NR2005 mod - updated track and car graphics, don't know if physics
was changed or not. I've tried it and it doesn't seem that much different.
I've read that this mod is made up of several components, tracks, cars,
..., and that these seperate components are available elsewhere, but I've
never found any links.
The link below is the only site I know of that still has the NR2005 mod.
You'll need to use a bit torrent client (freeware) to download it.