Track Racing got a 1 out of 5 points...
Dont even bother going to have a look, well no second thoughts go and
have a look, its the most pathetic review site I have ever seen, then
send a email to the reviewer and abuse him :)
I can't give any creedence to what this guys says because: 1) I've played
DTR and I love it (along with GPL and Viper Racing), and; 2) He doesn't say
WHY he doesn't like it, doesn't tell us what controller or platform he used
to "test," what mode (his screen shots show one of the the more "arcade"
driving views), what his other favorite driving games are for comparison,
what he specifically likes or dislikes about the game, or how much time he
spent with the game. It was probably a major effort for him to put down his
N64 controller long enough to simply INSTALL DTR on his parent's system.
The guy who wrote this "review" is even worse than a troll in a newsgroup --
he's apparently a troll with a Website.
-- John Bodin
Publisher, The IRL Insider Magazine
"Just another troll with a Web site! <G>"
He just doesn't get it. I love the "genre: demolition car racing" -bit.
Unless I'm very much mistaken Dirt Track Racing is, in theory at least,
non-contact? ;-))
I'm not going to be put off by that idiot.
Jan Verschueren wrote
> He just doesn't get it. I love the "genre: demolition car racing" -bit.
> Unless I'm very much mistaken Dirt Track Racing is, in theory at least,
> non-contact? ;-))
> I'm not going to be put off by that idiot.
> Jan.
> ----
> > I'm appalled, Andre -- that you called it a "review," that is, not about
> the
> > <snip>
> He just doesn't get it. I love the "genre: demolition car racing" -bit.
> Unless I'm very much mistaken Dirt Track Racing is, in theory at least,
> non-contact? ;-))
> I'm not going to be put off by that idiot.
> Jan.
> ----
> > I'm appalled, Andre -- that you called it a "review," that is, not about
> the
> > <snip>
You republicans are just too funny, a stupid guy just has to be a democrat,
The box said "Windows 95 or better", so I installed LINUX!
|\ _,,,---,,_ I want to die like my Grandfather,
ZZZzz /,`.-'`' -. ;-;;,_ in his sleep.
|,4- ) )-,_. ,\ ( `'-' Not like the people in his car,
'---''(_/--' `-'\_) screaming their heads off!
You republicans are just too funny, a democrat just has to be a stupid guy,
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I'm afraid over here in the states, the arena of political discussion is
sooooooo small, that there's hardly a hair's breadth difference between
democrats and republicans.
Anyhow here's his reply:
I've spent more than 4 hours with this game, trying to find out
anything on it. I'm really sorry, I gave the chance to that game,
but it was just very bad (in my humble opinion).
It was not really 5 minutes, as did you expected. I'm really not saying
to anything or anybody 'total shit' when I'm not 100% sure.
Anyway I really appreciate your opinion, and we're trying to put up online
webbased forum, so anyone will be able to post their thoughts about the
reviews and games itself.
best regards,
And here's the message I sent him:
R. Hashana