Kenneth Verburg
Webmaster/Editor-in-chief High Gear
Ive downloaded the demo, the sound needs some work but the
sim it-self,i think is going to a bigger hit any other race in the last
couple of years other than GPL it still RULES.
-- JB
> -- JB
Well, to be honest, I enjoy some Nintendo games, too, but not at the
*** level. Bad analogy on my part.
My apologies to Nintendo lovers everywhere . . . and to all you pot
smokers, too, for that matter! <G>
-- JB
> ---Dan
> > That was no review -- that was a crass one-paragraph opinion
belched out
> by
> > someone who appeared to have the intellect of a pot-smoking Nintendo
> ***.
> > <G>
> > -- JB
> > >I thought in a review last week DTR only got one star out of
> five?????????
> > >James
Justin Chase
TEN member since November 19,1997
Member of Killerdog Racing.
Forever a NASCAR fan.
Sim-racing ***.
Oh, and Jeff Gordon SUCKS!!!! :-)