League Orgianization Question


League Orgianization Question

by TlgtrPr » Thu, 27 Mar 2003 00:56:51

Some freinds and I have set up a very small offline league using NR02..(we just
keep points totals..)..the question is:  In other leagues, what is the time
frame in which you have to complete a race?
Kevin (aka tlgtr)
"A GOOD friend will come bail you out of jail...  but, a TRUE friend will be
sitting next to you saying, "Damn we screwed up!!!!."

League Orgianization Question

by Bob » Thu, 27 Mar 2003 10:08:21

If I understand your question correctly, then the answer is usually a week.
BTW, Robert Rathbone's Points Calculator works for offline scoring also.

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