I thinks so, yes. BUT: I'm sure Geoff has optimized his Game for Windows 98
and not for Windows 2000. That means he has a bug in the game while working
with the driver of the wheel in 98.
Do you know if it's possible to install the sidewinder software in 2000??
Has anyone tried to get the ff-wheel to work in 98 without the
sidewinder-software installed???
marc hugelshofer
> Are you saying there are NO problems with the MSFF and GP3 under Windows
> 2000?
> So does that mean there might actually be some bug in the MSFF drivers for
> Windows 9x, as opposed to a problem in GP3?
> Shhh.... don't say it too loud - you might offend all those people here
> are absolutely convinced that Geoff Crammond doesn't know how to
> ;-)
> G
> > Hi
> > I tried to install GP3 on Windows 2000 and to use the MSFF there. Its
> really
> > cool. There aren't the problems with the wheel like in Win98. But my
> problem
> > is, how can i assign the wheel-buttons to a keyboard key like with the
> > sidewinder software in windows 98. is there a sidewinder sw available
> > windows 2000?
> > --
> > Marc Hugelshofer