The length of time it takes to "do it right" is directly proportional
to how badly the code was screwed up in the first place. Or perhaps they are
taking their time simply because they hold their customer base in such
contempt. Sierra's treatment of Europeans who preordered N4 is ample
evidence of this contempt. More evidence still is to be found in the fact
that there has been nothing from Sierra/Papy to indicate they are working on
any patch at all. I have not seen so much as a list of "Known Issues". If
they have even answered any email from anyone I have not heard of it.
Everyone just assumes the patch is coming and that the troubles that are
most mentioned in the message bases are the ones they are working on. I have
even seen some who claim that the very silence from Sierra/Papy is proof
they are working on a patch and that the absence of a patch over these
months is evidence of the number of issues they are addressing and features
they are adding. Under this logic the less Papy says and the longer Papy
takes the happier these people will be.