GPL - What the hell am I doing wrong!?


GPL - What the hell am I doing wrong!?

by Hick » Sat, 03 Aug 2002 17:06:36

I can't seem to find another 5 seconds at Silverstone.
I've looked in the newsgroup, read track guides etc, etc,
but I'm stuck in the 1:34's.
Sure, I'm improving my consistency, but can't seem to put
it all together for a really hot lap.
I think I've got the hang of the fast left handers, but
I believe I'm really losing time on the slow corners like
1st corner (Copse?) and Beckett's.
People say that there's no advantage to braking late - and
sure enough, I tend to lock up the wheels if I do. But
braking too early means I lose far too much speed.
Also, if I carry too much speed into the corner, I get
oversteer, or simply run wide.
Is it better to apply less brake, but start braking
earlier? The AI cars appear to brake much later than me,
yet they don't lock up or run off the track.

I'm taking the correct line into corners, but at this point
I don't even know how to alter my driving style to improve
the time. I can't believe car setup can gain you 5 seconds,
so I really think it's the way I'm driving. Doing endless
practice laps is all very well, but I need some practical
suggestions on what to work on.

I'd like to race online, but it's pointless at the moment
as the other cars leave me in the dust.

Cpl Hicks.

Jussi 'Igor' Koukk

GPL - What the hell am I doing wrong!?

by Jussi 'Igor' Koukk » Sat, 03 Aug 2002 18:07:33

Hi Hicks :)

Well, braking later (or trail braking) gains you a lot less than taking a
proper exit from a corner... your top speeds on the straights will increase,
and it'll affect your lap times more than staying off the brakes for another
split second. And proper exit of course means proper entry, which is easier
to do if you brake early enough and avoid lock ups :)

That's the theoretical part, putting it in practice is another thing ;)

- Igor -

jason moy

GPL - What the hell am I doing wrong!?

by jason moy » Sat, 03 Aug 2002 18:29:40

Get the GPL Replay Analyzer.  Don't have the URL handy but a new
version just came out.

What I like to do is load the baseline replays that come with the game
and compare them to my best lap, looking for places where I'm losing
the most time.

I remember being stuck around 1:34 before getting down in the
1:29-1:30 range but honestly I can't remember what I did besides
looking at the telemetry in GPLRA.  Basically just looking at the time
interval and velocity graphs you should be able to figure quite a bit
out, at least as far as getting into the 1:30 range goes.  IIRC I was
braking way too early for one of the turns, taking the wrong line, and
losing several seconds at just that one corner.   YMMV.


Jan Verschuere

GPL - What the hell am I doing wrong!?

by Jan Verschuere » Sat, 03 Aug 2002 19:31:00

Ok... let's see you drive. Post a replay of an average "good" lap (where you
don't make any large mistakes) somewhere or send it to jan *dot* verschueren
*at* pandora *dot* be.  I'll have a look at it over the weekend and try to
point you in the right direction.

You're right in saying no setup will gain you 5 seconds and you'll have to
adapt your driving, but, on the other hand, I find at Silverstone the setup
does have to suit your style more than at other tracks.


Dan Leac

GPL - What the hell am I doing wrong!?

by Dan Leac » Sat, 03 Aug 2002 19:33:14

Hicks your best bet is to come to vroc and get a fast guy to goto a
silverstone race with u. If im around ill be happy to help

John Pancoas

GPL - What the hell am I doing wrong!?

by John Pancoas » Sat, 03 Aug 2002 20:53:24

  You can race online just fine; remember, online players have the same
physics, etc. you do.  The AI doesn't.  Humans make a lot more mistakes too


Mats Lofkvis

GPL - What the hell am I doing wrong!?

by Mats Lofkvis » Sat, 03 Aug 2002 22:04:04

> I can't seem to find another 5 seconds at Silverstone.
> I've looked in the newsgroup, read track guides etc, etc,
> but I'm stuck in the 1:34's.
> Sure, I'm improving my consistency, but can't seem to put
> it all together for a really hot lap.
> I think I've got the hang of the fast left handers, but
> I believe I'm really losing time on the slow corners like
> 1st corner (Copse?) and Beckett's.

Considerings your times, I still would guess that you have
lots of time to gain in the fast shallow corners.

In a 'normal' corner, messing up the corner entry isn't
necessarily ruining the exit because you spend enough time
in the turn allowing you to adjust your speed and line
to get a good exit even if the entry is to slow.

But the fast shallow corners are very different: it is
absolutely mandatory to have a good entry to get a
good exit because you can't get any lost speed back.
And if a fast corner exits into a long straight, a
slow exit is _very_ bad for your times.

In the case of fast shallow corners, a good entry means
bringing as much speed as possible through the apex
while still allowing for maximum acceleration out of
the corner.

Which implies:

- You have to use all of the track when turning into the
  corner (if you aren't, you can't go in as fast since
  you will turn with a shorter turn radius)
- You have to make a very fast turn in (if you aren't,
  you will not use all of the track efficiently for
- You have to time the turn in exactly (since the turn
  in is fast you will miss the apex completely otherwise)
- You have to be on the limit _all_ the way through the
  corner (not just from the apex and out)

All of these are *** their own, and doing it all
together is even harder, which is why getting faster at
Silverstone is so much fun :-)

At Silverstone, this technique is most important at
Chapel and Abbey because they are both fast, shallow
and exit into long straights. After them comes Maggots
(fast and shallow but exiting into a shorter straight)
and Woodcote (fast and exiting into a long straight but
not as shallow).

(Also note that a fast turn in going directly to the
limit implies a late turn in. Especially at Chapel
it took me a long time to realize how late the turn
in needed to be. Maybe the racing groove is turning
in to early there.)

From my own driving, I can say that it is very easy to
adapt a style where you do safe corner entrys, using
a rather slow turn in and staying below the limit.
(A kind of "drive in, adjust and race out" style.)
This probably isn't even wrong with 'normal' corners
because it is going to make you a lot more consistent
while only sacrificing a small amount of time into
the corners. But the point is that this technique
just won't do it in fast shallow corners because you
have nowhere to get back the speed lost in the entry
when moving on to the exit, resulting in a lower
exit speed which is orders of magnitude worse than
a slow entry.

Mats Lofkvist


GPL - What the hell am I doing wrong!?

by keit » Sun, 04 Aug 2002 01:19:11

At Silverstone, there are many medium speed (2nd or 3rd gear) corners where exit speed is
critical because of the long straights that follow. You need to be on the power as you
cross the middle of the corner, so you will be in a 4 wheel slide through the initial
corner exit. It is tricky to learn that, so download a fast replay, or go online with
WinVROC and save a fast driver lap, and study the lap. Car setup is very important to
ensure stability when powering out of the corner - but that alone doesn't account for 5
seconds. Entering the corner is not so important, but it does need to be a preamble to a
good corner exit.

If you don't slide the car and instead drive a tidy line, this will be slow. Guess you
already know that :)

Good luck,


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GPL - What the hell am I doing wrong!?

by Eldre » Sun, 04 Aug 2002 03:09:16

>(Also note that a fast turn in going directly to the
>limit implies a late turn in. Especially at Chapel
>it took me a long time to realize how late the turn
>in needed to be. Maybe the racing groove is turning
>in to early there.)

Maybe that's what's killing me...  I tend to follow the groove.  Plus, on some
tracks I still turn in way early.  I'm not sure why, but it probably has to do
with my depth perception when looking at a 2D screen...

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Jon Anderse

GPL - What the hell am I doing wrong!?

by Jon Anderse » Sun, 04 Aug 2002 08:19:33


If you are going at the limit, and still can't get below 1.34, I think your
line is wrong. You may be turning in too early, therby getting lousy exits.
Lousy exits seriously hurts lap times.

My usual tip is to use 3rd, 4rth and 5th gear only. I have found that if I
choose a low gear, I am more reluctant to apply gas at corner exits, as the
risk of spinning is high. By using a higher gear, I am able to get on the
throttle earlier, hence increasing exit speeds.

Try the Ferrari or the Cooper (Coventry) at Silverstone. Those cars are easy
to drive, and very capable of doing sub 1.34.

Jon Andersen

David Butter

GPL - What the hell am I doing wrong!?

by David Butter » Sun, 04 Aug 2002 09:50:46


A very easy way to avoid that, without messing around doing the
really difficult things like setting the car up better <g> is to do
something approaching cadence braking - ie, don't just slam your foot
on the brake and leave it there, but do brake - off - brake - off
etc. You'll stop just as quickly - actually, slightly sooner -
without all that tyre smoke. (I'm assuming you're using a steering
wheel here, of course.)


Don't try to ape the AI cars - their physics model is different to
human drivers'. The Parabolica at Monza is a case in point - if you
try following the AI's line, you'll crash every time.

Here are a few specific points that helped me - they may be useless
for you, of course:

* Slide, slide, slide! Use an oversteery setup (Roland Ehnstr?m's
Ferrari one is my favourite) and make the most of it - even in the
slower corners, I'm facing into the inside wall quite a bit of the
way around the bend.

* Don't drive the Lotus. It's very fast, but horribly twitchy. The
Ferrari, as on most tracks, is the best compromise between speed and
control, with the Cooper (Coventry) also pleasant to drive but a fair
bit slower.

* Cadence braking - see above.

* GPL Replay Analyser (as mentioned elsewhere in this thread) is by
far the best analytical utility available. You say you "believe" the
slow corners are where you're losing time - GPLRA will give you the
cold hard facts on that.

* Maggotts is considerably faster than it looks - with the Ehnstr?m
setup mentioned above, I take it in fourth, with only a lift at the
end of the preceding straight (no braking required). It takes a bit
of courage to do it the first time, as you spend a lot of the way
around at 45 degrees to the racing line, but it does work, and can
gain you a lot of time.

That lot helped me get my (hotlap) times at Silverstone down from the
1:32s to the 1:28s, and you really notice that.

"After all, a mere thousand yards... such a harmless little knoll,
really" - Raymond Mays on Shelsley Walsh.

The GPL Scrapyard:

Juan Vizos

GPL - What the hell am I doing wrong!?

by Juan Vizos » Sun, 04 Aug 2002 13:21:22

Eldred , just a suggestion , but if you use GPL Camera Control Master, from
here :-)

 Then you can 'fly' a camera down to both the fast sweepers at Chapel and
Abbey and watch the replay from there .I find the zoom function especially
good for 'bump' hunting:-)  .. I used it a lot to get to know the layout,
it's like being able to walk the track....
  Just sliding is slow ..
        wish I still had the link to the site that carries the passage Enzo
Ferrari committed to posterity describing Nuvolari 4 wheel drifting through
a corner :-))
Good ole Google

          It is  really hard to believe that the car is actually gonna do
it, and as they say  'you gotta have faith'  , the way that your 'pre 4
wheel drift' brain dictates you go around the corner is just gonna be
slower... and because the two corners both exit onto long straights, that's
a lot of time, trying to be quicker through the slow corners is more like
the hobby you have while the min work is getting the drift spot on, later
on, as you zone in, the inner kerbs become almost magnetic :-)


> >(Also note that a fast turn in going directly to the
> >limit implies a late turn in. Especially at Chapel
> >it took me a long time to realize how late the turn
> >in needed to be. Maybe the racing groove is turning
> >in to early there.)

> Maybe that's what's killing me...  I tend to follow the groove.  Plus, on
> tracks I still turn in way early.  I'm not sure why, but it probably has
to do
> with my depth perception when looking at a 2D screen...

> Eldred
> --
> Homepage -
> My .sig file is in the shop for repairs...

> Remove SPAM-OFF to reply.

Andre Warring

GPL - What the hell am I doing wrong!?

by Andre Warring » Mon, 05 Aug 2002 07:51:50

You're gonna help him to find a fast guy Dan? :)



GPL - What the hell am I doing wrong!?

by ckr » Mon, 05 Aug 2002 09:36:23

All I can say is WOW!

I suck at GPL, I've had it since it came out. I love it but I'm slower
than... well you know.

Till tonight. Granted I'm not alien class yet but by reading this thread and
*listening* to the advice here I've finally figured out 4 wheel drift. I
just turned a 131 at Silver. My fastest ever. I went from 135-136 to a 131
in 15 laps.

Thanks guys, any other tips besides practice? BTW I did it in a Eagle with
the stock setup and 9 gallons of fuel.

Chuck Keller
page 76 of the N4 Manual

"A lot of people think racing is about going fast.
                          But it's not.
It's about going just slow enough to stay on the track."  F1RS -


GPL - What the hell am I doing wrong!?

by Malc » Mon, 05 Aug 2002 09:43:07

Nice one!!

Now go practice it some more ;-)

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