> >I'd like anyone with a 200MMX to post here (or E-MAIL me) how many fps
> >estimate you get with absolutely everything on, all objects, all
> >textures, everything in the mirrors, and everything in the mirrors
> >textured. I'll get things started . . .
> >Dell dimension XPS 200MMX
> >32 RAM
> >Virge 2MEG STB video card (I will swap this very soon)
> >14.2 estimated fps
> I own the same computer but have already switched to the 4MB EDO DRAM
> Diamond Stealth 2000 and got estimated 17.2 fps.
I have a 200MMX, ASUS Board, 40 meg EDO, ATI PCtoTV 4meg.
I was disapointed With the frame rate of GP2, I thought That I would be
able to get 30 FPS in Monaco With everything on, Wrong!!!
I only get 17fps estimated. The frame Rate at the Start/Finish Line in
Monaco is worse. I think That it's not the machine, but the game