rfactor central states 341 tracks for rfactor...
559 tracks for GPL according to Track Database2...
so dont worry :-)
rfactor central states 341 tracks for rfactor...
559 tracks for GPL according to Track Database2...
so dont worry :-)
> rfactor central states 341 tracks for rfactor...
> 559 tracks for GPL according to Track Database2...
> so dont worry :-)
Cheers, uwe
Go to http://gpltd.bcsims.com/ > advanced search > date: new to old
Going back from mid December to mid June, there have been 16 releases
but two of those are special "Night mod" track remakes of originals.
So 14 new tracks in 6 months. There have been a total of about 32 new
releases in the past year.
The only bad thing I have to say about the modern Sims is that rFactor
has a terribly confusing amount of track versions and car mods.
Trying to join a pick up race can be confusing when you think you have
what is displayed.
But GPL is still very much alive with 5+ car mods being worked on
(most are a looong way off) and the 66 cars promised to be released in
a week or so.
Let it die dammit!
A 10 year old game should only ever be played for nostalgia reasons
If you are still playing a 10 year old game regularly then you are
living in the past!!
I'd agree with you for many games/Sims, but GPL has grown with the
times. The soon to come out 1966 mod will stand up to anything
modern, except for graphic features like shadows etc which aren't
really essential to the driving experience.
While it is a nostalgic exercise in that the modern top level cars
aren't anything like these, the driving is still loads of fun, just
like in Formula Ford etc (although I don't race and am just going by
what I read).
>> rfactor central states 341 tracks for rfactor...
>> 559 tracks for GPL according to Track Database2...
>> so dont worry :-)
> Let it die dammit!
> A 10 year old game should only ever be played for nostalgia reasons
> alone!
> If you are still playing a 10 year old game regularly then you are
> living in the past!!
> While it is a nostalgic exercise in that the modern top level cars
> aren't anything like these, the driving is still loads of fun, just
> like in Formula Ford etc (although I don't race and am just going by
> what I read).
>> I'd agree with you for many games/Sims, but GPL has grown with the
>> times. The soon to come out 1966 mod will stand up to anything
>> modern, except for graphic features like shadows etc which aren't
>> really essential to the driving experience.
>> While it is a nostalgic exercise in that the modern top level cars
>> aren't anything like these, the driving is still loads of fun, just
>> like in Formula Ford etc (although I don't race and am just going by
>> what I read).
> I just installed GPL once again yesterday and installed the GP79 mod. It
> may have been a good game for *** envy ***s but it is ***
> compared to the racing games I play today and how these cars really were.
> Jackie Stewart wasn't kidding when he said GPL drives nothing like the
> real thing. All those dudes who told us it is very realistic were full of
> shit. It's like the flight simmers who way back claimed the flight models
> in 1942: PAW were realistic. It was a good game for its time but the to
> claim the flight models were realistic is complete BS.
> I'm in agreement that GPL is only mildly interesting from a nostalgia
> viewpoint and all these people still doing mods for it are wasting their
> time and their talents would be put to better use in racing sims with
> better driving models and graphics engines.
> I used Jackie Stewart's comments regarding GPL to back up my opinion, who
> you quoting? Right, no one, moron. Makes you feel like a *real* man
> because you like GPL or what? News Flash: You're just another small***ed
> computer dork and think just because a racing sim is harder than all
> others then it must be more real too. There is the fatal flaw of those who
> think GPL is the best of the best. You are completely misguided dumbasses.
No, hang on - I'll bet he's as sharp now as he was when he was driving
the real deal.
Anyway, your words are clearly from a twit who was not around pre GPL
nor when it was released. No sim is ever going to compete with that
experience and impact. If you like getting nicked up all the time keep
rubbishing GPL and you'll be just that! :) Maybe you're working your way to
a trip to the pyramids with a megaphone shouting out - "Allah takes it up
the arse....Allah takes it up the arse...................." ????
> I used Jackie Stewart's comments regarding GPL to back up my opinion, who
> you quoting? Right, no one, moron. Makes you feel like a *real* man
> because you like GPL or what? News Flash: You're just another small***ed
> computer dork and think just because a racing sim is harder than all
> others then it must be more real too. There is the fatal flaw of those who
> think GPL is the best of the best. You are completely misguided dumbasses.