>The only problem I have now with network racing is the lack of
>competition. I have run great league races on Hawaii with less than 8
>people and I rarely ran races with more than 15 or 20 so that isn't the
>problem. What league do you run in that has 30 car fields anyways?
Check out the fastest legitimate qualifying times on Hawaii and you'll
undoubtedly find that ProHCS3 drivers occupy most, if not all the top
slots. You want a really competitive race, start from the back of the field
and try to make your way to the front.
Late Night still has some pretty good competition, but the ranks are
dwindling. It's definitely getting harder to find good drivers on Hawaii in
pickup races. A lot of people can't afford the LD charges, and others are
busy working on N2 setups in preparation for NROS.
Dave Sparks
IWCCCARS Project: http://www.racesimcentral.net/
Late Night League: http://www.racesimcentral.net/
Hawaii Handle: davids