I'd love to submit my rating, but I can't ever seem to get past this traffic
light just a mile after the start. It's always red and never switches to
green!!? Has anyone gotten past it?? ;-)
But seriously, a great track. Fun to drive, and fun to look at. Good track
layout, very realistic feeling, lots of love for detail (e.g. how you bounce
off the tilted curbs ever so softly), and the graphics have been drawn very
well too.
Of course the track is lying WRT the weather - you'd never finish an entire
lap on this track on the British mainland (is the track in England or
Scotland?) without getting at least a few raindrops ;-)
OTOH, the setup is _perfectly_ british, an feels very real. A tad too low,
and I've never been a fan of the 60/85 settings, but except for that the
setup feels very real. It nicely equilibrates GPL's somewhat too hard
suspension (by design) by using soft shocks and springs, which gives the car
a realistic feel.
Thanks to the makers of this gem!