CPU overhead might be affected by frame drain much worse.
Just food for thought
Just food for thought
Mark F. - SimGo Director
Come, And Check The Best Sim Racing Site
Out There -SimGo, The Place For SPEED!- At:
> Raymond
> >Ok, well, I'll start the fight. Here are your choices:
> > Logitech, Very Accurate in Force Functions, low force until you
> >barings to ball barings. Then good wheel, uses pots, un accurate.
> > Microsft FF-USB, Not as accurate FF functions as in Logitech, but
> >it's job great. Currently my own and better then any thrustmaster wheel
> >might of owned. Frames drop? This person has gone crazy, no frames drop
> >here, ain't i don't got a powert system. Celeron 300a non o/c, w/ 256mbs
> >sdram w/ win2000 and w98se. High car point accuracy due to no stinkin
> >use, but optics, don't get ANY MORE ACCURATE Then that.
> > Guillemont, no clue.
> >--
> > Sincerely,
> > Mark F. - SimGo Director
> >Come, And Check The Best Sim Racing Site
> >Out There -SimGo, The Place For SPEED!- At:
> >http://members.xoom.com/DaRacerz/
> >http://simgo.vstores.com
> >> I'm not trying to get into a battle with you. I would just hate to see
> >> someone make a poor buying decision, when are sooo many better wheels
> >> there presently, and in most cases... for a better price.
> >> Cheers,
> >> Shumi
> Raymond
>> Unfortunately the MSFF Gameport Wheel has little merit... Not basing my
>> decision on the opinion of the manufacturer.... but on the cold hard
>> of it's design and implementation.
>> Shumi
>In your opinion, obviously.
>In MY opinion, it's a sturdy, well built, practical, and well designed
>piece of kit....
Obviously you demand something else from your wheel and pedals if you find
no merit with a well built piece of hardware that performs exactly as
advertised. I must just have low standards, I guess.
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Please explain (perhaps in point form for simplicity). Then I'll shoot it
down technologically when I can understand what it is you are saying.
> --
> Sincerely,
> Mark F. - SimGo Director
> Come, And Check The Best Sim Racing Site
> Out There -SimGo, The Place For SPEED!- At:
> http://members.xoom.com/DaRacerz/
> http://simgo.vstores.com
> > Hello,
> > Once again, I am hurt that our wheel was not mentioned. I am not
> > going to spam you, but you should at least take a look at the ACT LABS
> > Force RS. www.act-labs.com
> > Raymond
> > >Ok, well, I'll start the fight. Here are your choices:
> > > Logitech, Very Accurate in Force Functions, low force until you
> replace
> > >barings to ball barings. Then good wheel, uses pots, un accurate.
> > > Microsft FF-USB, Not as accurate FF functions as in Logitech, but
> does
> > >it's job great. Currently my own and better then any thrustmaster
> you
> > >might of owned. Frames drop? This person has gone crazy, no frames
> > >here, ain't i don't got a powert system. Celeron 300a non o/c, w/
> > >sdram w/ win2000 and w98se. High car point accuracy due to no stinkin
> Pot
> > >use, but optics, don't get ANY MORE ACCURATE Then that.
> > > Guillemont, no clue.
> > >--
> > > Sincerely,
> > > Mark F. - SimGo Director
> > >Come, And Check The Best Sim Racing Site
> > >Out There -SimGo, The Place For SPEED!- At:
> > >http://members.xoom.com/DaRacerz/
> > >http://simgo.vstores.com
> > >> I'm not trying to get into a battle with you. I would just hate to
> > >> someone make a poor buying decision, when are sooo many better wheels
> out
> > >> there presently, and in most cases... for a better price.
> > >> Cheers,
> > >> Shumi
> > Raymond
> You have a singing CPU there Doug. Those with slower ones, and hence less
> CPU overhead might be affected by frame drain much worse.
> Just food for thought
> MS
> > USING - P3-500, 129Mb Ram, 16Mb Voodoo Banshee
> > Doug
>So, my advice - get the MSFF - the pedals are FANTASTIC, it's very
>practical, and I havn't noticed performance drop in any games
>USING - P3-500, 129Mb Ram, 16Mb Voodoo Banshee
>> There is a HUGE difference between the Microsoft and the Logitech. First of
>> all.... the Microsoft FF wheel is not yet USB. Only the Non-FF sidewinder is
>> currently available in USB.
>> You will notice a HUGE performance drop using the MSFF wheel, compared to
>> other FF USB implementations such as the Logitech or the ActLabs. Your
>> system will be severely taxed by the MSFF wheel, and online stability will
>> be extremely suspect (a roll of the dice).
>> I have had 4 former MSFF wheel owners who took my advice to look into
>> another wheel, and they ALL said "A big thank-you... my framerates jumped
>> up, gameplay is smoother, steering is more intuitive, and I almost never get
>> disconnected now..." So don't just take my word for it...
>> Cheers,
>> Shumi
>> > I need some info for a Christmas gift. Is there any performance
>> difference
>> > between the MSFF gameport and USB versions? I need to stay with MS out of
>> > simplicity and lack of desire to get different pedals for a LWFF.
>> > Thanks in advance,
>> > Jeff
In fact since updating to DirectX 7.0a I have found quite an improvement. In
my offline races I tend to get around 23 fps on the grid (9 ai cars) and am
in the 30-36 fps range for the majority of the race thereafter. I know this
may not sound too good to those of you with much higher end systems but I
don't think it's bad for my outdated one (which hopefully I will be
replacing with a higher spec machine early in the new year). I certainly
wouldn't knock any other wheel but can only say that I am very happy with
the MSFF and would not hesitate to recommend it to anyone.
Peter Hooper
> Raymond
> On Sun, 12 Dec 1999 23:33:21 +0000, Douglas Ellison
> >Take MY word for it, when I tell you that my framerate is TOTALLY
> >unaffected in GPL, TOCA 2, and RC2000 when using my MSFF. I'm VERY
> >pleased with it, it was fairly cheap - locks straight onto my desk
> >without any trouble, and can be removed and put under the desk in 1/2 a
> >second. It's got strong, precise FF..a usefull software package with it
> >(CART Precision Racing is actually quite good - once you've got used to
> >it, although leave Monster Truck Madness WELL alone....)
> >So, my advice - get the MSFF - the pedals are FANTASTIC, it's very
> >practical, and I havn't noticed performance drop in any games
> >whatsoever!
> >USING - P3-500, 129Mb Ram, 16Mb Voodoo Banshee
> >Doug
> >> There is a HUGE difference between the Microsoft and the Logitech.
First of
> >> all.... the Microsoft FF wheel is not yet USB. Only the Non-FF
sidewinder is
> >> currently available in USB.
> >> You will notice a HUGE performance drop using the MSFF wheel, compared
> >> other FF USB implementations such as the Logitech or the ActLabs. Your
> >> system will be severely taxed by the MSFF wheel, and online stability
> >> be extremely suspect (a roll of the dice).
> >> I have had 4 former MSFF wheel owners who took my advice to look into
> >> another wheel, and they ALL said "A big thank-you... my framerates
> >> up, gameplay is smoother, steering is more intuitive, and I almost
never get
> >> disconnected now..." So don't just take my word for it...
> >> Cheers,
> >> Shumi
> >> > I need some info for a Christmas gift. Is there any performance
> >> difference
> >> > between the MSFF gameport and USB versions? I need to stay with MS
out of
> >> > simplicity and lack of desire to get different pedals for a LWFF.
> >> > Thanks in advance,
> >> > Jeff
> Raymond
Peter Hooper
It's a fast machine, and I know how to configure them too.
> Cheers.
> Mauricio.
> >Take MY word for it, when I tell you that my framerate is TOTALLY
> >unaffected in GPL, TOCA 2, and RC2000 when using my MSFF. I'm VERY
> >pleased with it, it was fairly cheap - locks straight onto my desk
> >without any trouble, and can be removed and put under the desk in 1/2 a
> >second. It's got strong, precise FF..a usefull software package with it
> >(CART Precision Racing is actually quite good - once you've got used to
> >it, although leave Monster Truck Madness WELL alone....)
> >So, my advice - get the MSFF - the pedals are FANTASTIC, it's very
> >practical, and I havn't noticed performance drop in any games
> >whatsoever!
> >USING - P3-500, 129Mb Ram, 16Mb Voodoo Banshee
> >Doug
> >> There is a HUGE difference between the Microsoft and the Logitech.
First of
> >> all.... the Microsoft FF wheel is not yet USB. Only the Non-FF
sidewinder is
> >> currently available in USB.
> >> You will notice a HUGE performance drop using the MSFF wheel, compared
> >> other FF USB implementations such as the Logitech or the ActLabs. Your
> >> system will be severely taxed by the MSFF wheel, and online stability
> >> be extremely suspect (a roll of the dice).
> >> I have had 4 former MSFF wheel owners who took my advice to look into
> >> another wheel, and they ALL said "A big thank-you... my framerates
> >> up, gameplay is smoother, steering is more intuitive, and I almost
never get
> >> disconnected now..." So don't just take my word for it...
> >> Cheers,
> >> Shumi
> >> > I need some info for a Christmas gift. Is there any performance
> >> difference
> >> > between the MSFF gameport and USB versions? I need to stay with MS
out of
> >> > simplicity and lack of desire to get different pedals for a LWFF.
> >> > Thanks in advance,
> >> > Jeff
Peter Hooper
is what makes all the difference
one of the best things i ever got into my system, (Moster sound, Vortex