>>>>>can't keep his car down in T3 because of the poor entry angle and
>>>>>comes up and tags me. Who's wrong? Who should back off? IMO, I have
>>>>>the preferred line. I gave him the entire apron to work with and
>>>>>that it is his responsibility to hold HIS line. After all, he chose
>>>>>that line not I. What do ya'll think?
>>>>>Michael Kirton
>>>>I think you should have given him room to run, instead of running
>>>>below the line.
>>>But I didnt run him below the line. He moved to the left of the white
>>>line on the backstretch and drafted up beside me on my inside. I was
>>>just to the right of the white line and held that line all the way
>>>down the backstretch. When we got to T3 I was slightly ahead of him.
>>>I gave him the entire apron, which is where he chose to drive, and he
>>>couldnt hold his car down and came up and tagged me. This is no big
>>>deal. I just wanted to see how other folks would handle this
>>>Michael Kirton
times. I have found that the smartest thing to do is to give up the
line. Usually I get back around him when he tries it on someone else
and crashes. That is, if I can avoid the spinning cars<g>
Michael Kirton