The real reason there will be no good F1 sims..

Mark C Dod

The real reason there will be no good F1 sims..

by Mark C Dod » Thu, 13 May 1999 04:00:00

Yeah, and if it cost them $100,000,000 in research to produce an F1 game that
makes a profit of  $20,000,000 they will be happy?

> >Don't you think this makes sense fellow r.a.s readers?

> >> We should not forget that we're still talking about computer games
> >> here. No one will ever actually buy such a car to get a closer look or
> >> learn about it. Not EA nor Sony nor anyone, the revenues are just way
> >> too small.

> With an annual turnover of more than Fifty Thousand Million dollars
> ($50,000,000,000) I think Sony could probably afford an F1 car or two
> if they so wished...

> Cheers!
> John


The real reason there will be no good F1 sims..

by Zonk » Thu, 13 May 1999 04:00:00


>>Don't you think this makes sense fellow r.a.s readers?

>>> We should not forget that we're still talking about computer games
>>> here. No one will ever actually buy such a car to get a closer look or
>>> learn about it. Not EA nor Sony nor anyone, the revenues are just way
>>> too small.

>With an annual turnover of more than Fifty Thousand Million dollars
>($50,000,000,000) I think Sony could probably afford an F1 car or two
>if they so wished...


Er... but the potential income from the project? Tiny.


Please remove NOSPAM from my email address when replying.

Matthew Birger Knutse

The real reason there will be no good F1 sims..

by Matthew Birger Knutse » Thu, 13 May 1999 04:00:00

> yes but the telemetry tell them the wing settings, tyre setting, camber setting
> etc. They can see what adjusting gizmo b will do to measurement x. They know for
> instance the maximum and minimum camber adjustment and the telemetry reading from
> the variations in this adjustment. This is the information they need. It would be
> nice to know the wheelbase or track width but really, since they aren't adjustable
> in F1 cars, who really cares.

Nice discussion we're having here, Mark! :-)

But, IMO, wouldn't this also mean that you would require;

1) Telemetry readouts from all the cars, with a readout of each possible
combo of settings
2) Telemetry readouts from all the tracks, in variying track

i.e a combo of both 1&2, wouldn't it be easier to have the chassis
implemented in
the physcics model, and let it respond to different tracks, weather,
Not to mention cheaper?

Now that is THE challenge! Frankly, I haven't raced against AI much
since N2, I find online racing
far more enjoyable, but computing AI is interesting...simulating brain
fade, or the possibility
of a driver crashing his car, and keep going to take his rival out
(schumacher) or even thump soebody after
crossing the line (Gordon) :-)

Maybe they removed the wrong lumps in that operation DC had a few years
ago :-)



Matthew Knutsen

"The Art of Legends" - GPL add-ons

John Walla

The real reason there will be no good F1 sims..

by John Walla » Thu, 13 May 1999 04:00:00

The question was that companies like Sony et al couldn't afford it, to
which I pointed out that they could. Whether they would be happy would
be another matter.

I also think you overestimate how much an F1 car costs - probably
closer to $1m if you omit development costs etc. They could have
picked up a complete Simtek car for less than that after the 94
season, and I'm sure they could buy last season's Tyrrell quite
reasonably. Since their license is usually at least one and usually
two years out of date that would seem reasonable.

It would all be a waste of time though, since real world physics do
not necessarily transalte into a convincing simulation, and even if it
did I know there are many cheaper ways of making us believe it to be


John Walla

The real reason there will be no good F1 sims..

by John Walla » Thu, 13 May 1999 04:00:00

Different subject - the question was whether it was possible, not
whether it was reasonable or likely. If they did it I'd presume they
needed a head doctor.



The real reason there will be no good F1 sims..

by ^Frett » Thu, 13 May 1999 04:00:00

Where these numbers coming from & can they be validated? Sounds
like numbers from GM, Ford & maybe even Chrysler? Hmmm?
Again just curious? Cheers.. Thom_j. aka ^Fretts..

> Yeah, and if it cost them $100,000,000 in research to produce an F1 game that
> makes a profit of  $20,000,000 they will be happy?

> > >Don't you think this makes sense fellow r.a.s readers?

> > >> We should not forget that we're still talking about computer games
> > >> here. No one will ever actually buy such a car to get a closer look or
> > >> learn about it. Not EA nor Sony nor anyone, the revenues are just way
> > >> too small.

> > With an annual turnover of more than Fifty Thousand Million dollars
> > ($50,000,000,000) I think Sony could probably afford an F1 car or two
> > if they so wished...

> > Cheers!
> > John

Mark C Dod

The real reason there will be no good F1 sims..

by Mark C Dod » Fri, 14 May 1999 04:00:00

Driver AI should be the easiest to simulate.

Braking Skill
Car Control
Tactical Ability
Team Orders

These are some of the factors that could be used to alter the dribing characteristics of
the standard physics model. Things like Car Control and Tactical ability would be fairly
static for a driver. His desperation and aggression would change with the season and who
he is trying to pass. Team orders could turn him into a mobile chicane! Surely this is
within the ability of the sim developers. I would love to see an AI Shuey brake later in
a cloud of smoke to pass me on the inside if he was behind in the championship or an
Irvine make his Ferrari look 10 meters wide whilst blocking a passing manouver.

> > yes but the telemetry tell them the wing settings, tyre setting, camber setting
> > etc. They can see what adjusting gizmo b will do to measurement x. They know for
> > instance the maximum and minimum camber adjustment and the telemetry reading from
> > the variations in this adjustment. This is the information they need. It would be
> > nice to know the wheelbase or track width but really, since they aren't adjustable
> > in F1 cars, who really cares.

> Nice discussion we're having here, Mark! :-)

> But, IMO, wouldn't this also mean that you would require;

> 1) Telemetry readouts from all the cars, with a readout of each possible
> combo of settings
> 2) Telemetry readouts from all the tracks, in variying track
> temperatures

> i.e a combo of both 1&2, wouldn't it be easier to have the chassis
> implemented in
> the physcics model, and let it respond to different tracks, weather,
> settings?
> Not to mention cheaper?

> > It is all just mathematics up to a point. If they could find a proper AI formula to
> > measure a Shuey vs a Coultard or a Doohan vs a Biaggi it would be fantastic!
> > Perhaps the first measurement they should take is the size of their balls! I don't
> > think Coultard's got any after his performance in the last race.

> Now that is THE challenge! Frankly, I haven't raced against AI much
> since N2, I find online racing
> far more enjoyable, but computing AI is interesting...simulating brain
> fade, or the possibility
> of a driver crashing his car, and keep going to take his rival out
> (schumacher) or even thump soebody after
> crossing the line (Gordon) :-)

> Maybe they removed the wrong lumps in that operation DC had a few years
> ago :-)

> Matt

> --

> Matthew Knutsen

> "The Art of Legends" - GPL add-ons

Mark C Dod

The real reason there will be no good F1 sims..

by Mark C Dod » Fri, 14 May 1999 04:00:00

Just using the figures as an exagerated example, not as real figures. The point I
was making that even a a $1,000,000 the investment would be out of proportion to
the estimated earnings of the game whether or not they can afford it. Everyhting
companies like Sony do is for profit, even that Robodog they just released.

> >Yeah, and if it cost them $100,000,000 in research to produce an F1 game that
> >makes a profit of  $20,000,000 they will be happy?

> The question was that companies like Sony et al couldn't afford it, to
> which I pointed out that they could. Whether they would be happy would
> be another matter.

> I also think you overestimate how much an F1 car costs - probably
> closer to $1m if you omit development costs etc. They could have
> picked up a complete Simtek car for less than that after the 94
> season, and I'm sure they could buy last season's Tyrrell quite
> reasonably. Since their license is usually at least one and usually
> two years out of date that would seem reasonable.

> It would all be a waste of time though, since real world physics do
> not necessarily transalte into a convincing simulation, and even if it
> did I know there are many cheaper ways of making us believe it to be
> real.

> Cheers!
> John

Mark C Dod

The real reason there will be no good F1 sims..

by Mark C Dod » Fri, 14 May 1999 04:00:00

Just using exagerated figures to make a point. A classic example of overkill in
development costs is Atari with their licence for E.T. I have heard there is a very
large hole full of E.T. cartridges somewhere....

> Where these numbers coming from & can they be validated? Sounds
> like numbers from GM, Ford & maybe even Chrysler? Hmmm?
> Again just curious? Cheers.. Thom_j. aka ^Fretts..

> > Yeah, and if it cost them $100,000,000 in research to produce an F1 game that
> > makes a profit of  $20,000,000 they will be happy?

> > > >Don't you think this makes sense fellow r.a.s readers?

> > > >> We should not forget that we're still talking about computer games
> > > >> here. No one will ever actually buy such a car to get a closer look or
> > > >> learn about it. Not EA nor Sony nor anyone, the revenues are just way
> > > >> too small.

> > > With an annual turnover of more than Fifty Thousand Million dollars
> > > ($50,000,000,000) I think Sony could probably afford an F1 car or two
> > > if they so wished...

> > > Cheers!
> > > John is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.