> yes but the telemetry tell them the wing settings, tyre setting, camber setting
> etc. They can see what adjusting gizmo b will do to measurement x. They know for
> instance the maximum and minimum camber adjustment and the telemetry reading from
> the variations in this adjustment. This is the information they need. It would be
> nice to know the wheelbase or track width but really, since they aren't adjustable
> in F1 cars, who really cares.
Nice discussion we're having here, Mark! :-)
But, IMO, wouldn't this also mean that you would require;
1) Telemetry readouts from all the cars, with a readout of each possible
combo of settings
2) Telemetry readouts from all the tracks, in variying track
i.e a combo of both 1&2, wouldn't it be easier to have the chassis
implemented in
the physcics model, and let it respond to different tracks, weather,
Not to mention cheaper?
Now that is THE challenge! Frankly, I haven't raced against AI much
since N2, I find online racing
far more enjoyable, but computing AI is interesting...simulating brain
fade, or the possibility
of a driver crashing his car, and keep going to take his rival out
(schumacher) or even thump soebody after
crossing the line (Gordon) :-)
Maybe they removed the wrong lumps in that operation DC had a few years
ago :-)
Matthew Knutsen
"The Art of Legends" - GPL add-ons