>hi, I'd like to get my gf's dad a flight sim for christmas... He's got the
>stick, but there's one problem. He runs a pentium 166MMX, with a 1 or 2 mb
>video card. Now I think he would be willing to update the video card (i
>mentioned less than $100), but I don't think we can do much about the chip.
>I think the MB only does up to 233, so it probably wouldn't be worth it...
>ANYWAYS, I was wondering if anyone knew of a flight sim that would work
>on this machine.
Last year for Xmas I gave my Dad a 'built from spare parts' P133 with 32 meg
of ram and a 2 MEG ATI video card, an SB16, an 8x CD-ROM and a 15" Sony
father's day, repeat ad infinitum) Since he fancied himself a pilot in
younger days (he's 73) I thought he would like a flight sim. I got him a
crappy joystick with a throttle control and loaded up MS Flight Sim 5. It
runs OK on that hardware. I also bought Sierra Pro Pilot, available lots of
places for about ~15$ and that runs OK, too.
There's something called the "outhouse theory." The idea is that you don't
mind pissing outdoors until you experience indoor plumbing. Likewise, your
gf's Dad will probably love an older, lower-spec flight sim because he
hasn;t seen anything better on his computer. Besides that, you might be
able to grab 3-4 cheaper old titles for the price of one good new one, and
that will impress him even more.
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