> Having installed the WONDERFUL GPLEA Honda (thanks guys!), I've been paying
> much more attention to the 'Honda' part of GPL. I seem to remember that
> long ago there was a patch that would change the text in GPL to say "HON"
> instead of "MUR" when looking at times, etc., and updated the Team Info'
> page to say Honda with a picture instead of the fake thing that Sierra gave
> us. I've been searching for this (or something like it) with no luck. Am I
> just making this all up or would someone like to point me to the right place
> to download it?
> TIA.
> -Mark
If i remember correctly theres something around called TEAMFIX, but
this doesn't resolve everything, from the readme.txt :
What It Does
TeamFix will update all mentions of Coventry and Murasama
to Cooper and Honda respectively. In addition it will
display an appropriate car graphic in the Player and Team
Info screens.
What It Doesn't
TeamFix doesn't update the cars appearances in the simulation.
Nor does it replace the manufacturer logos in the Player and
Team screens.
Hope it helps, if you find anything to resolve the problems mentioned
please post as i would be interested.
thanks, mark.........