PC. Yes they might get the physics to be decent using the F1-2002
engine, but the relity is that many of us buy games like NR2002S only
to play online, against 30 others, not as a single player game. EA
has shown poor multiplayer support in F12001 and F1-2002. You can't
play 8 players at the same time on a decent host, forget about 30! I
don't think they even have interest in providing better multiplayer
code. Unfortunately Papyrus/Sierra doesn't have the cash to fight EA
for the NASCAR franchise. All we can hope is that Papyrus decides to
build the ultimate NASCAR game with all the goodies we have been
asking for, yes maybe the game won't run on a machine less that a 2GHz
PC with a Geforce 4 or Radeon 9700 video card, but it will be the
pinacle of NASCAR multiplayer simulation and will be a game users will
play for 5 years, since I doubt very much EA will offer a multiplayer
game of comparison.
Thanks for the rant