is turned about 5 degrees to the left when I'm going down a straight.
It also feels that I get a bit more immediate response turning to the
left than turning to the right, but that could just be my first
impression as I've only run a few laps so far. (Note: This is in GPL
and GTR2002. I have not tried it in any of the Nascar sims yet, where I
would expect to have to turn it a bit to the right in order to go
straight.) In fact, in GPL, while just sitting in the pits, the wheel
slowly turns to the left by itself...... When I'm simply at the Windows
desktop with no racing sim activated, the wheel still sits about 5
degrees to the left, but does not move any further by itself.
I did calibrate within GPL (twice) and it still does this. Please note
that I have not adjusted any Profiler settings or car setups yet, from
what they were when I was using the MOMO Racing Wheel. (Note MOMO Force
now vs MOMO Racing previously).
Is this normal for this wheel, or is there some adjustment that I need
to make? If I need to use DXTWEAK, I'll require some specific
instruction on what adjustment to make, as I've never had to use DXTweak
with any of my previous Logi wheels.
I'm running Windows 98SE on an AthlonXP1700 w/512 Megs RAM, is that
helps any. Any help/suggestions on how to starighten the wheel out
would be appreciated.